Title Razvoj sustava rekonstrukcije tiskanih računalno generiranih holograma
Title (english) Development of printed computer generated holograms reconstructing system
Author Vladimir Cviljušac
Mentor Nikola Mrvac (mentor)
Committee member Klaudio Pap (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Damir Modrić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marin Milković (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mile Matijević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Danijel Radošević (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Graphic Arts Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-9-3, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Graphic Technology
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 655 - Graphic industries. Printing. Publishing. Book trade
Abstract Multimedijski informacijski sustavi temelje se na tehnološkom razvoju računala u svrhu
obrade, prijenosa i integracije svih vrsta informacija. Unaprjeđenje računalnih
komponenti, arhitektura i metoda u posljednjih nekoliko godina omogućava razvoj novih
pristupa i mnogo kompleksnijih algoritama u svrhu postizanja brže, sigurnije i
višedimenzionalne komunikacije. Tiskani računalno generirani hologram (CGH –
Computer Generated Hologram) kao multimedijski element predstavlja značajan
napredak u odnosu na klasičnu holografiju. U ovome radu prikazan je novi postupak ispisa
standardnim grafičkim tehnologijama i determinirani su kriteriji optičke rekonstrukcije
tiskanih računalno generiranih holograma. Ispis računalno generiranih holograma
zahtjeva specifičnu pripremu za tisak koja je ovisna o vrsti korištene grafičke tehnike, što se
manifestira na pretvorbi digitalne veličine (piksel) u odgovarajuću fizičku veličinu za
korišteni standardni proces ispisa. Veliki nedostatak je nepostojanje specijaliziranih
programskih alata namijenjenih računalnom generiranju holograma te njihov iznimno
zahtjevan izračun. Za potrebe disertacije napravljena je nova robusna metoda i pretvorena
u računalni program koji omogućava povezivanje s komercijalnim 3D alatima (učitavanje
točkastih 3D modela) te upravljanje simulacijom valne optike holograma putem grafičkog
korisničkog sučelja. Time se zamijenio realni fizički objekt koji se upotrebljava u klasičnoj
holografiji. U skladu s time napravljen je laboratorijski prototip za sigurnosnu analizu i
provjeru autentičnosti isprintanih holograma. Predložena metoda također omogućuje brzu
provjeru autentičnosti, bez potrebe za složenim optičkim postavom, korištenjem običnog
točkastog LED (Light-Emitting Diode) svijetla. Definirani su kriteriji i parametri u ovisnosti
o korištenoj grafičkoj tehnologiji koji moraju biti zadovoljeni za kvalitetan ispis i optičku
rekonstrukciju tiskanih računalno generiranih holograma. Istraživanje se temeljilo na
ispitivanju strojeva i tehnika ispisa, protokola, optičkom postavu, mjerenjima i sve je
pretvoreno u jednu postojanu i upotrebljivu metodu koja može svaki isprintani računalno
generiranih hologram učiniti jedinstvenim.
Abstract (english) Multimedia information systems are based on the technological development of
computers for the purpose of processing, transmitting and integrating all types of
information. The advancement of computer components, architecture, and methods over
the last few years enables the development of new approaches and more complex
algorithms to achieve faster, safer and multidimensional communication. The printed
computer generated hologram as a multimedia element represents a significant advance
compared to the classic holography. In this dissertation is presented a new printing process
using standard graphics technology and determination of criteria for optical reconstruction
of printed computer generated holograms. The printing process of computer generated
holograms requires specific prepress that depends on the used type of printing technique,
which is manifested on digital pixel size conversion to the appropriate physical size for the
used type of standard print process. A major drawback is the lack of specialized software
tools designed for hologram generation and their extremely demanding calculation. For
research purposes, a computer program is developed that enables the linking with
commercial 3D tools (using 3D Point Cloud Model as input object) and the controlling the
wave optics simulation through a graphical user interface. That replaced the real physical
object used in classical holography. A laboratory prototype is developed to define criteria
and parameters depending on the used graphics technology, which must be met in order to
obtain high quality printing and optical reconstruction of printed computer generated
holograms. Proposed method also allows for a quick authentication with no need for a
complex optical setup, while offering high-level security analysis through a simple yet
robust system. Beyond computational method, research is based on testing machines and
printing techniques, protocol, optical measuring setup and derived all-in-one highly
defined conclusive usable method capable of making every CGH unique.
For the purposes of the experiment and confirmation of the set hypotheses, system of
creation and reconstruction of printed computer-generated holograms was developed.
System consists of: method and program for computer-generated holograms, prepressprocess and laboratory prototype for optical reconstruction. It was necessary to develop a
mathematical model of hologram calculation, which is based on one of the physical
methods of holography. The final calculation result (binary martix) is converted into
prepress in correlation with the capabilities of the selected graphic printing technique. Due
to various capabilities of certain graphic printing techniques, it was necessary to develop a
computer program that will, with the help of a graphical user interface, enable
management of physical parameters of calculations. The system provides the rapid
production of large amount of holograms.
Main results
The dissertation presents the results of proposed method of generating and reconstructing
printed computer - generated holograms and the influence of capabilities of the printing
techniques used in the production process. The research showed that the set goals and
hypotheses are justified and proven. This dissertation provides an original scientific
contribution that is manifested in the development of a new method of printing computergenerated holograms using standard graphic printing techniques. For this purpose original
computer program for controlling calculation variables has been developed and the process
of creating computer - generated hologram prepress has been defined. A laboratory
prototype for optical reconstruction and authentication has been developed and used to
define criteria for quality optical reconstruction and authentication keys for the protection
of printed computer-generated holograms used in security printing. With the results of the
research, system offers two main advantages: (a) fast and cheap production of holograms
using commercial printing techniques and materials (making holograms applicable in
small and large editions when needed), (b) simple and intuitive computer program with a
graphical user interface that provides customization and control of calculation process for
printing. This enables its wide application.
računalno generiranih hologram
3D točkasti model
optička rekonstrukcija
zaštitni tisak
Keywords (english)
computer generated hologram
3D point cloud model
optical reconstruction
security print
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:216:445499
Study programme Title: Graphic engineering and graphic product design Course: Graphic technology Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti u području tehničkih znanosti (doktor/doktorica znanosti u području tehničkih znanosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Faculty of Graphic Arts Repository
Created on 2024-04-24 22:40:17