Title Funkcionalni model procesa izrade fotopolimerne tiskovne forme
Title (english) Functional model of photopolymer printing plate production process
Author Tamara Tomašegović
Mentor Sanja Mahović Poljaček (mentor)
Committee member Branka Lozo (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Lidija Mandić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mirela Leskovac (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Sonja Jamnicki (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Sanja Martinez (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Graphic Arts Zagreb
Defense date and country 2016-3-22, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Graphic Technology
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 655 - Graphic industries. Printing. Publishing. Book trade
Abstract Analiza utjecaja UVA i UVC post-ekspozicija u procesu izrade fotopolimerne tiskovne forme
za fleksotisak u ovom doktorskom radu provedena je pomoću različitih metoda mjerenja i
analize. Fotopolimerni uzorci korišteni u ovom istraživanju bili su Computer to Plate (CtP)
Laser Ablation Mask Layer (LAMS) tiskovne forme za fleksotisak sa vodenim i solventnim
razvijanjem. Analiza njihovih kemijskih, toplinskih, mehaničkih i površinskih svojstava
provedena je s ciljem definiranja i kvantificiranja utjecaja procesa post-ekspozicije na tiskovnu
formu i otisak dobiven pomoću tiskovnih formi s varijacijama u post-ekspozciji.
Kemijske promjene u materijalu uzrokovane UV post-ekspozicijom analizirane su pomoću
Fourier transform infracrvene spektroskopije – postupkom prigušene totalne refleksije,
energijski razlučujuće/disperzivne rentgenske spektrometrije i metode bubrenja. Toplinska
analize (diferencijalna pretražna kalorimetrija i termogravimetrijska analiza) prikazale su
utjecaj trajanja UVA i UVC post-ekspozicija na toplinsku stabilnost i razgradnju materijala.
Mehanička analiza dala je podatke o promjenama u tvrdoći tiskovne forme tijekom različitih
vremena post-ekspozicije. Površinska svojstva fotopolimernog materijala analizirana su
pomoću izračuna polarne i disperzne faze slobodne površinske energije te parametra hrapavosti.
Dobiveni rezultati su integrirani putem korelacije, kao i robusne metode najmanjih kvadrata i
modeliranja neuronskom mrežom kako bi se definirao funkcionalni model procesa izrade
tiskovne forme u odnosu na parametre koji utječu na definiciju njenih površinskih svojstava.
Otisci dobiveni modificiranim tiskovnim formama pokazali su značajne promjene u debljini
nanosa bojila, gustoći zacrnjenja, pokrivenosti površine svjetlih i tamnih tonova te deformaciji
tankih linija.
Rezultati dobiveni u ovom istraživanju dokazali su da se UVA i UVC post-ekspozicije u
procesu izrade tiskovnih formi za fleksotisak mogu koristiti kao jednostavan i brz alat za
modifikaciju svojstava njihove površine. Ova modifikacija može se koristiti za prilagodbu
površinskih svojstava tiskovne forme specifičnim zahtjevima, odnosno stvaranje
“personalizirang” fleksotiskarskog reprodukcijskog sustava za posebne primjene u
konvencionalnom i funkcionalnom tisku.
Abstract (english) Characterization of the effects of UVA and UVC exposures in the post-treatment process of
photopolymer flexographic printing plate production was performed by various measurementand-
analysis methods. Samples used in this research were solvent-washable and waterwashable
Computer to Plate (CtP), Laser Ablation Mask Layer (LAMS) flexographic printing
plates. Analysis of the chemical, thermal, mechanical and surface properties of photopolymer
samples was performed in order to define and quantify the influence of the post-treatment
process on the properties of printing plates and corresponding prints. Chemical changes in the
material were analysed by means of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy – attenuated total
reflectance method, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and swelling experiments. Thermal
analysis (differential scanning calorimetry and thermogravimetric analysis) displayed the
influence of the duration of post-treatments on the thermal stability and degradation process of
the material, as well as the influence on the crosslinking completion. Mechanical analysis
provided the information about the changes in hardness of the printing plate due to the posttreatment
process. Surface properties of the photopolymer printing plate samples were analysed
by calculating the components of surface free energy and roughness parameters. Obtained
results were integrated via correlations, as well as least squares fitting and neural network
modelling in order to define the functional model of flexographic printing plate production in
relation to influencing parameters in the definition of printing plate’s properties in the
reproduction process. Prints obtained by UVA and UVC post-treated printing plates displayed
significant changes in ink layer thickness and the deformation of fine lines on the prints, as well
as the changes in optical density and surface coverage in low and high coverage areas.
Results obtained in this research proved that UVA and UVC exposures in the post-treatment
process of flexographic printing plate production can be used as a simple and quick tool for
modification of the properties of photopolymer material. This modification is useful in
adjusting printing plate’s surface and mechanical properties to a specific value, therefore
tailoring the flexographic reproduction system for specific applications in conventional and
functional printing.
fotopolimerni materijal
UV post-ekspoziija
površinska svojstva
funkcionalni tisak
Keywords (english)
photopolymer material
UV post-treatment
functional printing
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:216:488088
Study programme Title: Graphic engineering and graphic product design Course: Graphic technology Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti u području tehničkih znanosti (doktor/doktorica znanosti u području tehničkih znanosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Faculty of Graphic Arts Repository
Created on 2024-04-24 22:05:15