Title Modeliranje integralnog sustava upravljanja kvalitetom u novinskoj tiskari
Title (english) Design of the integrated quality management system in the printing plant
Author Jakov Borković
Mentor Diana Milčić (mentor)
Committee member Lidija Mandić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Jesenka Pibernik (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Hinko Wolf (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Graphic Arts Zagreb
Defense date and country 2016-5-23, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Graphic Technology
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 655 - Graphic industries. Printing. Publishing. Book trade
Abstract Tradicionalno novinsko izdavaštvo i novinska proizvodnja usko su povezani, a tehnološki razvoj i novi mediji utjecali su na izdavačku i novinsku industriju padom naklada novinskih izdanja, prisiljavajući tiskare na učinkovitost i traženje novih modela za osiguranje dugotrajne održivosti. Iz tog razloga sve veći značaj se daje znanstvenom, sustavnom pristupu u rješavanju problema vezanim za unapređenja sustava upravljanjem kvalitetom u novinskoj proizvodnji. Poznati sustavi upravljanja kvalitetom TQM - potpuno upravljanje kvalitetom, proizvodni koncept Lean koji omogućuje uklanjanje „viškova“ te QFD-metoda koja se primjenjuje u fazi projektiranja ili unapređenja proizvoda i proizvodnog procesa, sveprisutni su u proizvodnim sustavima diljem svijeta.
Cilj ovog istraživanja i doktorskog rada bio je utvrditi razinu znanja o sustavima upravljanja kvalitetom i razviti novi model na navedenim principima, koristeći odabrane alate navedenih sustava, primjenjive u novinskoj proizvodnji. Poslovni i proizvodni model se sastoji od različitih strategija, metoda i tehnika, koji su optimizacijom ključnih procesa pridonijeli smanjenju vremena proizvodnje i cijene koštanja grafičkog proizvoda. Oblikovanje novog modela je zasnovano na istraživanju, testiranju i definiranju jedinstvenih osnovnih polazišta tehničkih i tehnoloških parametara novinske proizvodnje i proizvoda. U tom pogledu istražena i izmjerena su normirana, stvarna i dostignuta vremena, kako bi se definirale i prepoznale razine vremenske nesukladnosti kao i uzroci neprihvatljivog stanja. Primjenom diferencijacije sustava upravljanja kvalitetom, ciljano se djelovalo na prepoznate točke generiranja vremenske nesukladnosti u proizvodnji, temelja za uspostavu odgovarajućih mjera prevencije, kontrole i lanca odgovornosti. Pristupilo se otklanjanju prepoznatih negativnih utjecajnih parametara i tako se djelovalo na poboljšanje procesa, a kao rezultat izrađen je algoritam provođenja detekcije točke poboljšanja. Drugi dio istraživanja proširuje područje djelovanja sustava upravljanja kvalitetom, a temelji se na principima upotrebe modificirane QFD-metodologije koristeći povezivanje zahtjeva kupaca sa svojstvima novinskog proizvoda kojom se utječe na stvaranje poboljšanog proizvodnog procesa preventivnim djelovanjem na detektiranju nesukladnosti. Istraživanje je provedeno u pet odabranih novinskih tiskara kao i potvrda cjelokupnog modela u praksi, a izrađeni algoritam osiguravanje kvalitete procesa u novinskoj proizvodnji je logičan slijed radnji i odluka koje treba provesti ovisno o razini primjene stvorenog modela.
Abstract (english) Traditional newspaper publishing and newspaper production are closely related and development of technology and new media affected the publishing and newspaper industryin a way that it resulted in decline of newspaper publication circulation, forcing the newspaper printing plants to efficiency and search for new models to ensure long-term sustainability. For this reason the increasing importance is given to scientific, systematic approach to solving problems related to the improvement of quality management systems in newspaper production. Well-known systems of quality management TQM - total quality management, Lean manufacturingthat allows the elimination of “surplus“ materials and QFD methods applied in the design phase or improvement of product and manufacturing process are ubiquitous in production systems around the world. The aim of this research and doctoral thesis was to determine the level of knowledge on quality management systems and develop a new model on the above-mentioned principles, using selected tools of the aforementioned system, applicable in newspaper production. Business and production models consist of different strategies, methods and techniques, which contributed to reduction of production time and cost of graphics products by optimization of key processes. Shaping of the new model is based on research, testing and defining the basic starting point of distinctive technical and technological parameters of newspaper production and products. In this regard standardized, real and achieved time have been researched and mesured to define and recognize the levels of time mismatchand causes of unacceptable condition. By applying differentiation of quality management systems, the identified points of generating time mismatch in production were specifically directed, the foundation for the establishment of appropriate measures of prevention, control and chain of responsibility. The elimination of identified negative influencing parameters was performed and the processimproved, and as a result the detection algorithm forpoints for improvement was made. The second part of the study extends the scope of activities of quality management systems and it is based on the principles of using modified QFD methodology byrelating customer requirements with the characteristics of newspaper products which affects the creation of the improved production process by preventive detection of mismatch. The study was conducted in five selected newspaper printing plants as well as confirmation of the overall model in practice and the algorithm of quality assurance processes in newspaper production is the logical sequence of activities and decisions that should be made according to the level of application.
novinska proizvodnja
sustav upravljanja kvalitetom
proizvodni model
Keywords (english)
news production
quality management system
production model
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:216:807839
Study programme Title: Graphic engineering and graphic product design Course: Graphic technology Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti u području tehničkih znanosti (doktor/doktorica znanosti u području tehničkih znanosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Faculty of Graphic Arts Repository
Created on 2024-04-24 22:04:55