Title Učinkovitost kemijskih dodataka za samocijeljenje na otpornost betona na cikluse smrzavanja i odmrzavanja
Title (english) Efficency of self-healing chemical additives on the freeze/thaw resistance of concrete
Author Anita Gojević
Mentor Ivanka Netinger Grubeša (mentor)
Mentor Berislav Marković (komentor)
Committee member Marijana Hadzima-Nyarko (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Barišić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Sandra Juradin (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Hrvoje Draganić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Martina Zagvozda (član povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture Osijek Osijek
Defense date and country 2024, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Civil Engineering
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 624/625 - Civil and structural engineering. Civil engineering of land transport. Railway engineering. Highway engineering
Abstract Uzroci nastanka pukotina u betonu su različiti, ali bez obzira na njihovo podrijetlo, one uvijek štetno djeluju na trajnost betonskih konstrukcija i znatno utječu na povećavanje troškova njihova održavanja. Ovaj rad razmatra cikluse smrzavanja i odmrzavanja kao jedan od uzroka nastanka pukotina u betonu te pronalazi nove načine za unaprjeđenje otpornosti betona na smrzavanje i odmrzavanje. Rad se sastoji iz osam poglavlja; šest poglavlja koji prikazuju pregled stanja područja, jednog eksperimentalnog poglavlja na razini materijala, jednog eksperimentalnog poglavlja na razini konstrukcija i zaključka. U eksperimentalnom poglavlju na razini materijala pripremljeno je osam betonskih mješavina od čega šest mješavina uz v/c = 0,35; referentna mješavina, mješavina s aerantom, dvije mješavine s kristalnim hidrofilnim dodatkom (1 % i 3 % na masu cementa) i dvije mješavine sa
samostalno pripremljenim mikrokapsulama (jezgra od toluen 2,4-diizocijanata, a opna od parafina) te dvije mješavine s kristalnim hidrofilnim dodatkom (1 % i 3 % na masu cementa) uz v/c = 0,45. Ispitivanje otpornosti betona na cikluse smrzavanja i odmrzavanja provedeno je direktnim (ljuštenje i unutarnje oštećenje s i bez soli, faktor razmaka pora) i indirektnim (promjena dinamičkog modula elastičnosti, omjeri tlačne i vlačne čvrstoće te dubine prodora vode nakon i prije ciklusa smrzavanja i
odmrzavanja) postupcima, a za potrebe interpretacije rezultata određeni su udio pora pojedine veličine živinom porozimetrijom, raspodjela pora i njihova povezanost mikrotomografijom te SEM/EDS analiza na uzorcima tretiranim i netretiranim ciklusima smrzavanja i odmrzavanja, kao i praćenje širine pukotina tijekom procesa samozacjeljivanja na uzorcima tretiranim i netretiranim
ciklusima smrzavanja i odmrzavanja. Kristalni hidrofilni dodaci su pokazali potencijal u poboljšanju otpornosti betona na cikluse smrzavanja i odmrzavanja. Mikrokapsule su se također pokazale korisnim, no manje učinkovitosti nego kristalni hidrofilni dodaci. Na razini konstrukcijskih elemenata izrađene su po dvije armiranobetonske grede od svake od po tri mješavine betona; referentna mješavina, mješavina s 1 % kristalnog hidrofilnog dodatka i mješavina s 1 % mikrokapsula. Po dvije grede su izložene ciklusima smrzavanja i odmrzavanja, a po dvije nisu. Na gredama je praćena promjena dinamičkog modula elastičnosti i upijanje vode prilikom izlaganja ciklusima smrzavanja i odmrzavanja, a nakon toga su grede tretirane i netretirane ciklusima smrzavanja i odmrzavanja opterećivane do sloma, pri čemu im je praćen progib, sekantna krutost, duktilnost i sila pri slomu te su isti stavljeni u omjer. Na temelju rezultata zaključeno je i na razini konstrukcijskih elemenata kako primjena kristalnog hidrofilnog dodatka i mikrokapsula ima potencijala za unaprjeđenje otpornosti armiranobetonskih elemenata na cikluse smrzavanja i odmrzavanja.
Abstract (english) The causes of cracks in concrete are different, but regardless of their origin, they always have a detrimental effect on the durability of concrete structures and significantly increase their maintenance costs. This paper considers freezing and thawing cycles as one of the causes of cracks in concrete and finds new ways to improve concrete's resistance to freezing and thawing. The paper consists of eight chapters; six chapters showing an overview of the state of the area, one experimental chapter at the level of materials, one experimental chapter at the level of structures and a conclusion. In the
experimental section, eight concrete mixtures were prepared at the material level, six of which were mixtures with v/c = 0.35; a reference mixture, a mixture with aerant, two mixtures with a crystalline hydrophilic additive (1 % and 3 % by mass of cement) and two mixtures with self-prepared microcapsules (core of toluene 2,4-diisocyanate and a shell of paraffin) and two mixtures with a crystalline hydrophilic additive (1 % and 3 % by mass of cement) with v/c = 0.45. Testing of concrete's
resistance to freezing and thawing cycles was carried out by direct (scaling and internal damage with and without salt, pore spacing factor) and indirect procedures (change in dynamic modulus of elasticity, compressive and tensile strength ratios, and depth of water penetration after and before freezing and thawing cycles), and for the purposes of interpreting the results, the proportion of pores of a particular size was determined by mercury porosimetry, the distribution of pores and their connection by microtomography, and SEM/EDS analysis on samples treated and untreated by freezing and thawing cycles, as well as monitoring the width of cracks during the self-healing process on samples treated and untreated with freezing and thawing cycles. Crystalline hydrophilic admixtures have shown potential in improving concrete resistance to freeze-thaw cycles. Microcapsules have also been shown to be useful, but less effective than crystalline hydrophilic
admixtures. At the level of structural elements, two reinforced concrete beams were made from each of the three concrete mixes; reference mixture, mixture with 1 % crystalline hydrophilic additive and mixture with 1 % microcapsules. Two of the beams are exposed to freezing and thawing cycles, and two of them are not. The changes in the dynamic modulus of elasticity and water absorption were monitored on the beams during exposure to freezing and thawing cycles, and after that, the beams treated and untreated by freezing and thawing cycles, were loaded until failure, while their deflection, secant stiffness, ductility and ultimate force were monitored and are shown in ratio. Based on the results, it was concluded at the level of structural elements that the application of crystalline hydrophilic additives and microcapsules has the potential to improve the resistance of reinforced concrete elements to freezing and thawing cycles.
trajnost betona
ciklusi smrzavanja i odmrzavanja
kristalni hidrofilni dodaci
faktor razmaka pora
dinamički modul elastičnosti
tlačna čvrstoća
vlačna čvrstoća
dubina prodora vode
udio pora pojedine veličine
raspodjela pora i njihova povezanost
SEM/EDS analiza
zacjeljivanje pukotina
sekantna krutost
sila pri slomu
Keywords (english)
durability of concrete
freezing and thawing cycles
crystalline hydrophilic additives
pore spacing factor
dynamic modulus of elasticity
compressive strength
tensile strength
depth of water penetration
proportion of a particular size pores
distribution of pores and their connection
SEM/EDS analysis
crack healing
secant stiffness
ultimate force
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:133:813578
Promotion 2024
Study programme Title: Postgraduate University Study Program in Civil Engineering Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti u području tehničkih znanosti (doktor/doktorica znanosti u području tehničkih znanosti)
Catalog URL
Type of resource Text
Extent 30 cm, 294 str., 223 ilustr., 73 tablice
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository GrAFOS
Created on 2024-10-15 11:11:00