Title Razvoj sustava za umjeravanje mjernih skala
Title (english) Development of measurement system for calibrating of line scales
Author Srđan Medić
Mentor Vedran Mudronja (mentor)
Committee member Biserka Runje (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Vedran Mudronja (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Bojan Ačko https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6031-9748 (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture Zagreb
Defense date and country 2011-09-13, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Mechanical Engineering Production Mechanical Engineering
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 621 - Mechanical engineering. Nuclear technology. Machinery 53 - Physics
Abstract Laboratorij za precizna mjerenja dužina koji je ujedno i Nacionalni laboratorij za duljinu
(u daljnjem tekstu Laboratorij) sudjeluje u CIPM MRA (Comité International des Poids et
Mesures, Mutual Recognition Arrangement) ključnim usporedbama etalona duljine među
kojima su od posebnog značaja i precizne mjerne skale. U cilju sudjelovanja u CIPM
MRA ključnim usporedbama, Laboratorij je 2003. godine pokrenuo tehnologijski projekt
TP-02/0120-16 ''Uređaj za umjeravanje mjernih skala'' u okviru kojeg je izrađen mjerni
uređaj koji je korišten za ovo istraživanje. Tijekom 2008. autor rada provodio je
istraživanja umjeravajući mjernu skalu duljine 100 mm na navedenom uređaju u sklopu
projekta EURAMET Key Comparison, EURAMET.L-K7 ''Calibration of line scales'' u
kojem su sudjelovali svi najznačajniji mjeriteljski instituti na svijetu. U pripremi za
usporedbeno mjerenje, u okviru gore navedenog tehnologijskog projekta nabavljena je
NPL precizna mjerna skala duljine 100 mm koju je autor rada umjeravao u PTB-u
(Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Njemačka). Navedena mjerna skala je
upotrijebljena za istraživanje ponovljivosti i obnovljivosti rezultata mjerenja te za
spoznaje o procjeni dostižne mjerne nesigurnosti. Po završetku projekta u kojem su
postignuti potpuno kompatibilni rezultati s ostalim mjeriteljskim institutima, provedena je
analiza udjela mjerne nesigurnosti temeljem eksperimentalnih mjerenja i simulacijske
analize. U okviru istraživanja utjecaja na mjernu nesigurnost istražen je najpouzdaniji
položaj laserskog izvora svjetla i optičkih komponenti, minimiziranje Abbeove greške,
određivanja sredine linije mjerne skale, suosnost mjerne skale i laserskog snopa,
pravocrtnost gibanja stola, kutovi nagiba, skretanja i uvijanja, okolišni uvjeti koji utječu
na valnu duljinu lasera i geometriju uređaja te utjecaj gubljenja fokusa tijekom pomicanja
stola. Nakon provedenih eksperimentalnih mjerenja i simulacijske analize u svrhu
određivanja parametara mjerne nesigurnosti, provedena je modifikacija sustava s ciljem
smanjivanja istih. Modifikacija je provedena postavljanjem posebnih kliznih oslonaca, te
je sustav toplinski izoliran. Nakon modifikacije sustava izvršena je ponovna procjena
mjerne nesigurnosti koja je validirana u usporedbenom mjerenju mjerne skale duljine
300 mm s jednim prestižnim svjetskim mjeriteljskim institutom.
Abstract (english) The Laboratory for Precise Measurement of Length, which is at the same time the
National Laboratory for Length (in text 'Laboratory') takes part in CIPM MRA (Comité
International des Poids et Mesures, Mutual Recognition Arrangement) comparisons of
length standards, which include line scales as very important standards of length. In
order to participate in the CIPM MRA key comparisons, Laboratory initiated technology
project TP-02/0120-16 "The device for calibrating measurement scales" in 2003, in
which a measurement device was constructed. This measurement device has been
used in this research. During 2008, applicant was using this device to research
calibration 100 mm measurements scale, participating in the EURAMET Key
Comparison, EURAMET.L-K7 ''Calibration of line scales'' (a project shared by the
leading calibration institutes in the world). In preparation for comparison measurements
as a part of technology project mentioned above, NPL line scale length of 100 mm was
purchased and it has been calibrated in PTB (Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt,
Germany) by the author of this paper. This line scale was used for studying repeatability
and reproducibility of measurement results and for the cognition of evaluation of
achievable measurement uncertainty. After completion of the project in which have been
achieved results fully compatible with the results of other measurement institutes, each
factor of measurement uncertainty was separately analyzed by conducting experimental
measurements and simulation studies.
As a part of research on the impact of measurement uncertainty the following was
investigated: the position of laser light sources and optical components, minimizing
Abbe's error, the determination of the middle line of line scales, alignment of line scale
and laser beam, straightness movement of table, pitch, roll and yaw angles,
environmental conditions affect the laser wavelength and the geometry of device and
the impact of losing focus while moving of table. After performed experimental
measurements and simulation studies in order to analyze the parameters of
uncertainties, the modification of system was performed by applying special sliding
supports, and the system is completely thermally isolated. After modification of the
system, reevaluation of measurement uncertainty was performed, which has been
validated in comparison measurements of line scale length of 300 mm with a prestigious
international measurement institute.
etaloni duljine
mjerna skala
mjerna nesigurnost
usporedbena mjerenja
Monte Carlo simulacije
laserski interferometar
viziranje linija
Keywords (english)
length standards
line scale
measurement uncertainty
intercomparison measurements
Monte Carlo simulations
laser Interferometer
sighting of lines
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:235:881966
Study programme Title: Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture University of Zagreb
Created on 2020-05-15 15:04:23