Title Odabir ideja u razvoju proizvoda
Title (english) Idea selection in product development
Author Milan Stevanović
Mentor Dorian Marjanović (mentor)
Committee member Mario Štorga (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Dorian Marjanović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Savšek Tomaž (član povjerenstva) strani drzavljanin: Nije dostupno
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture Zagreb
Defense date and country 2012-07-19, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Mechanical Engineering General Mechanical Engineering (Construction)
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 621 - Mechanical engineering. Nuclear technology. Machinery
Abstract Unapređenje procesa razvoja proizvoda novim načinom opisivanja, vrednovanja i odabira ideja koje se ugrađuju u koncept novog proizvoda predmet je istraživanja prikazanog u disertaciji. Prikaz aktualnog stanja u području istraživanja dan je iz tri aspekta: razvoja proizvoda, životnog ciklusa ideja, te vrednovanja i odabira ideja. Sustavnim pregledom recentne literature dat je teorijski prikaz područja istraživanja posebno s obzirom na proces razvoja proizvoda, mogućnosti opisivanja, procjene i usporedbe ideja, definiranja atributa za kvalitativno i kvantitativno vrednovanje ideja te metoda za potporu odlučivanju u procesu odabira ideja. Prikaz stanja na području upravljanja idejama u gospodarstvu predočen je rezultatima ankete koja je obuhvatila tvrtke koje u proizvodnom programu imaju strojarske proizvode s vlastitim razvojem. Obradom prikupljenih podataka ustanovljeno je kako i kada se prikupljaju ideje, koji motivi i potrebe su pokretači za prikupljanje ideja, kako su tvrtke organizirane i osposobljene te kako provode procjenu, vrednovanje i odabir ideja. Sastavni dio ankete bilo je i vrednovanje atributa i kriterija za procjenu vrijednosti ideja od strane anketiranih subjekata. Proizašla saznanja iskorištena su za detaljno opisivanje modela podataka za prikupljanje, opisivanje te kvalitativno i kvantitativno vrednovanje ideja. Provedena istraživanja ukazala su na atribute za opisivanje ideja, kriterije za procjenu i metode za vrednovanje i odabir ideja, što je u konačnici rezultiralo prijedlogom metodologije vrednovanja ideja i metodologije odabira ideja za potrebe razvoja proizvoda. U postupku verifikacije, na dva primjera ocijenjena je primjenjivost predloženih metodologija. Pri tome je korišten veći broj procjenitelja a uspoređivani su i korelirani rezultati dobiveni primjenom dviju različitih metoda. Disertacija završava osvrtom na provedeno istraživanje i postignute rezultate sukladno postavljenim ciljevima. Prezentirani su rezultati postignuti istraživanjem zajedno s teorijskim implikacijama na područje razvoja proizvoda. Istaknuti su doprinosi znanju o razvoju proizvoda, te sugestije i pravci za naredna istraživanja.
Abstract (english) Improving the product development process with new ways of describing, evaluating and selecting ideas that are built into the concept of a new product is the subject of research presented in this dissertation. The current state of research is viewed from three aspects: product development, ideas' life cycle, and evaluation and selection of ideas. A systematic review of recent literature gives a theoretical view of the area of research especially with regard to the product development process, possibilities of description, evaluation and comparison of ideas, defining of attributes for the qualitative and quantitative evaluation of ideas and methods for decision support in the ideas' selection process. The review of the status of idea management in the economy is given by the results of the survey which included firms that have mechanical products with their own development in their production line. Data processing found when and how the collection of ideas is performed, which motives and needs are triggers for the collection of ideas, how the companies are organized and trained, and how they conduct the assessment, evaluation and selection of ideas. An integral part of the survey was the evaluation of attributes and criteria for evaluating the value of an idea by surveyed companies. The resulting findings were used to describe a detailed model for data collection, analysis and the qualitative and quantitative evaluation of ideas. The conducted survey revealed the attributes for idea analysis, the criteria for assessment and methods for the evaluation and selection of ideas, which ultimately resulted in the proposed methodology for evaluating ideas and methodology for the selection of ideas for product development. In the process of verification, the applicability of the proposed methodologies was evaluated on two examples. In this process a larger number of assessors were used and the results obtained using two different methods were compared and correlated. The dissertation ends with a discussion on the conducted research and the results obtained in accordance with set targets. The results presented in this dissertation were obtained together with theoretical implications on the field of product development. They present prominent contributions to knowledge of product development, together with suggestions and directions for future research.
razvoj proizvoda
priprema razvoja proizvoda
procjena ideja
vrednovanje ideja
odabir ideja
upravljanje idejama
upravljanje inovacijama
potpora odlučivanju
Keywords (english)
product development
idea assessment
idea evaluation
idea selection
idea management
innovation management
decision support system
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:235:797486
Study programme Title: Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture University of Zagreb
Created on 2020-05-14 08:35:31