Author Albina Osrečki
Mentor Ana Bojinović Fenko https://orcid.org/http://orcid.org/0000-0003-1896-9269 (mentor)
Committee member Zdravko Petak (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 290524
Committee member Luka Brkić (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 135930
Committee member Senada Šelo Šabić (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 261500
Granter University of Zagreb The Faculty of Political Science Zagreb
Defense date and country 2016-06-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Political Science Croatian Policy/Policy of the European Union
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 327 - International relations. World, global politics. International affairs. Foreign policy
Abstract Ovaj rad ispituje hipotezu prema kojoj je vanjsko djelovanje EU (koje prema Lisabonskom ugovoru
kao važećem ugovornom okviru EU objedinjuje vanjske odnose EU kao zbirni naziv za
eksternalizirane unutarnje politike EU i vanjsku politiku EU) neuspješno na Mediteranu zbog
nekonzistentnosti u vanjskopolitičkom procesu, i zbog nekoherentnosti u sadržaju/ciljevima triju
mediteranskih politika EU (Euro-mediteransko partnerstvo - EMP, Europska susjedska politika – ENP
i Unija za Mediteran - UFM). U tom smislu prvi cilj disertacije je pokazati razloge neuspjeha vanjskog
djelovanja EU spram mediteranske regije, a drugi je ukazati na šire implikacije tog neuspjeha za
ambicije EU kao globalnog aktera.
Korištene istraživačke metode analiza sadržaja primarnih i tercijarnih izvora podataka u kombinaciji
sa diskurzivnom analizom primarnih i sekundarnih izvora, potvrdile su sljedeće. Vanjsko djelovanje
EU spram mediteranske regije je neuspješno kroz sve tri faze vanjskopolitičkog procesa. (1) U fazi
formuliranja mediteranskih politika zbog neusklađenosti/nekonzistentnosti između institucija EU
(Europskog vijeća i Europske komisije) u definiranju mediteranske regije kao strukturnog konteksta
mediteranskih politika EU, svrhe EMP-a i prioriteta EMP-a i ENP-a. (2) U fazi odlučivanja/usvajanja
mediteranskih politika EU zbog nekompatibilnost/nekoherentnost ciljeva vanjske politike EU i većeg
broja eksternaliziranih unutarnjih politika EU između EMP, ENP i UFM, pri čemu je najveća
nekoherentnost postojala u razdoblju od 2004.-2008. između EMP i ENP po pitanju vanjske politike,
JHA, trgovine i energetike, a od 2009. stanje se između trenutno aktivnih ENP i UFM nije bitno
promijenilo jer su ostale nekoherentne vanjska politika, JHA i energetika, dok trgovinska politika nije
sastavni dio UFM-a. (3) U fazi implementiranja mediteranskih politika EU zbog
neusklađenosti/nekonzistentnosti u bilateralnoj implementaciji multilateralnih instrumenata
mediteranskih politika EU na vanjskopolitičkom području i u JHA od strane južno-mediteranskih
partnera unatoč činjenici da su ove instrumente zajednički usvojili sa državama članicama EU.
Nekonzistentnost u vanjskopolitičkom procesu i nekoherentnost u sadržaju/ciljevima između triju
mediteranskih politika EU slabe mogućnosti EU (shvaćene kao sposobnost formuliranja, usvajanja i
implementiranja politika). Ove mogućnosti zajedno sa neiskorištenim prilikama (shvaćenima kao
prilike za suradnju EU kako sa južno-mediteranskim partnerima kroz uzimanje u obzir i njihovih
interesa, te sa drugim regionalizirajućim akterima koji jednako kao EU djeluju u mediteranskoj regiji)
kao dva analizirana elementa akterstva EU, pokazuju da je EU tek (regionalni) akter u nastajanju i da
još uvijek ne može bez problema koji proizlaze iz njezine kompleksne prirode pretendirati na ulogu
vanjskopolitičkog aktera u globalnim razmjerima.
Abstract (english) This paper examines the hypothesis that EU external action (which, according to the Lisbon Treaty as
the relevant EU framework agreement, encompasses EU external relations as a collective term for
externalized EU internal policies and EU foreign policy) has been unsuccessful in the Mediterranean
region due to the inconsistency of the foreign policy process and incoherence of the aims of three EU
Mediterranean policies (Euro-Mediterranean Partnership–EMP, European Neighborhood Policy–ENP,
and Union for the Mediterranean–UFM). In that context, the first objective of this dissertation is to
provide the reasons as to why the EU external action has failed in the Mediterranean region. Secondly,
it will point at the wider implications of this failure in terms of EU aspirations to be a global actor.
Research methods used in empirical analysis that included content analysis of primary and tertiary
sources, combined with discourse analysis of primary and secondary sources, has resulted in the
following. EU external action in the Mediterranean region has been unsuccessful in all three stages of
the foreign policy process. (1) In the stage of formulating Mediterranean policies due to inconsistency
between EU institutions in defining the Mediterranean region as a structural context of EU
Mediterranean policies, EMP's purpose and EMP's and ENP's priorities. (2) In the decision making
stage of EU Mediterranean policies due to the incoherence of aims of EU’s foreign policy and many
EU's externalized internal policies between EMP, ENP and UFM, whereby this incoherence was most
prominent between 2004-2008 regarding foreign policy issues, JHA, trade and energy between EMP
and ENP. Since 2009, the situation concerning the currently effective ENP and UFM has not changed
significantly, since foreign policy, JHA and energy policy have remained incoherent, while trade
policy is not part of the UFM. (3) In the implementation stage of EU Mediterranean policies due to the
inconsistency in bilateral implementation of multilateral instruments of EU Mediterranean policies in
the foreign policy field, and in the JHA from the side of south-Mediterranean partners, despite the fact
that they have adopted these instruments jointly with EU Member States.
Inconsistency of the foreign policy process and incoherence of the aims between the three EU
Mediterranean policies are weakening the EU capabilities (the ability to formulate, adopt and
implement policies). These together with unutilized opportunities (for cooperation with south
Mediterranean partners through taking into consideration their interests, and interests of other
regionalization actors in the Mediterranean region) as the two analyzed elements of EU actorness, are
demonstrating that the EU is still an emerging (regional) actor that is yet unable to assume the role of a
foreign policy actor on a global level due to its complex nature.
vanjsko djelovanje EU
vanjski odnosi EU
vanjska politika EU
nekonzistentnost vanjskopolitičkoga procesa
nekoherentnost ciljeva
mediteranska regija
akterstvo EU
Keywords (english)
EU external action
EU foreign relations
EU foreign policy
inconsistency of the foreign policy process
incoherence of the aims of EU Mediterranean policies
Mediterranean region
EU actorness
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:114:094099
Study programme Title: Political Science - doctoral study programme Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: DOKTOR/DOKTORICA ZNANOSTI, PODRUČJE DRUŠTVENIH ZNANOSTI, POLJE POLITOLOGIJA (DOKTOR/DOKTORICA ZNANOSTI, PODRUČJE DRUŠTVENIH ZNANOSTI, POLJE POLITOLOGIJA)
Catalog URL http://library.foi.hr/m3/kd1.php?B=1360&sqlx=12729&ser=&sqlid=1360&sqlnivo=&css=&H=&U=Osre%E8ki
Type of resource Text
Extent 280 str. ; 29 cm
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository FPSZG repository
Created on 2018-05-03 13:29:41