Title Model vrednovanja kriterija za uspostavljanje suhe luke
Title (english) Criteria evaluation model for dry port implementation
Author Ivica Lovrić https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4123-6880
Mentor Jasmina Pašagić Škrinjar (mentor)
Mentor Violeta Roso https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4638-0219 (komentor)
Committee member Natalija Kavran (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Jasmina Pašagić Škrinjar (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Violeta Roso https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4638-0219 (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Rožić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marinko Maslarić https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4696-5188 (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-05-13, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Traffic and Transport Technology Maritime and River Traffic
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 656.6 - Transport by water
Abstract Suha luka predstavlja koncept proširenja kapaciteta pomorske luke i njenih usluga u unutrašnjosti. U suhoj luci mogu se pružati i dodatne logističke usluge koje su obično dostupne u luci, a koje nisu specifične za pomorsku luku. Dobro primijenjen koncept suhe luke može prebaciti teret s ceste na više energetski učinkovite vrste transporta koje su manje štetne za okoliš, smanjuju zagušenje u gradovima, čine rukovanje robom u lukama učinkovitijima i prijevoznicima omogućuju poboljšana logistička rješenja u zaleđima pomorskih luka. Suha luka je intermodalni terminal koji je cestovnim i željezničkim putem izravno povezan s morskom lukom i koji služi kao centar za pretovar pomorskog tereta prema unutrašnjim odredištima. Osim svoje uloge u prekrcaju tereta, suhe luke mogu sadržavati i prostore za skladištenje i konsolidaciju robe, održavanje kontejnera i usluge carinjenja. Dostupnost ovih objekata na suhoj luci oslobađa skladišni i carinski prostor na samoj pomorskoj luci. Suha luka može ubrzati protok tereta, stvarajući središnju distribucijsku točku. Suhe luke u unutrašnjosti mogu poboljšati kretanje uvoza i izvoza, premještajući dugotrajno sortiranje i obradu kontejnera u unutrašnjost, dalje od zagušenih pomorskih luka. Cilj istraživanja rada utvrđivanje je i vrednovanje čimbenika i kriterija kojima se definira potreba za uspostavom suhe luke. Predloženi model vrednovanja kriterija za uspostavljanje suhe luke verificiran je na primjeru pomorske luke Rijeka. Model uspostavljanja suhe luke potrebno je istražiti na razini cijelog transportnog lanca jer različiti sudionici imaju različite prioritete. Istraživanje je provedeno prema skupu čimbenika (s tehničkog, tehnološkog, organizacijskog, ekološkog, ekonomskog, informacijsko-komunikacijskog, zakonsko-regulatornog i dodatnog aspekta) koji utječu na izbor kriterija pri utvrđivanju potrebe uspostave suhe luke. Temeljem postojećeg i proširenog skupa kriterija identificira se potreba za uspostavom suhe luke. Rezultati ovog istraživanja primjenjivi su za poboljšanje procesa postojećeg intermodalnog transporta, kao i stvaranje tehnoloških te organizacijskih mogućnosti za njegov ubrzani razvoj.
Abstract (english) Dry port is a concept of expanding seaport’s capacity and its services inland. At a dry port additional logistics services can be provided, services that are usually available at a seaport as well as those that are not specific to a seaport. A well-applied dry port concept can shift cargo from the road to more energy efficient modes of transport that are less harmful to the environment, reduce congestion in cities, make goods handling at seaports more efficient and make it easier for carriers to improve logistics solutions in seaport hinterlands. A dry port is an intermodal terminal that is directly connected to the seaport by road and rail and serves as a centre for transhipment of sea freight to inland destinations. In addition to their role in cargo transhipment, dry ports may also contain facilities for the storage and consolidation of goods, provide maintenance of containers and customs services. The availability of these facilities and services at a dry port frees up storage and customs space at the seaport. A dry port can speed up the flow of cargo, creating a central distribution point. Dry ports can improve the movement of imports and exports, moving long-term sorting and processing of containers inland, away from congested seaports. The aim of the research is to determine and evaluate the factors that define the need for the establishment of a dry port. The proposed model is verified on the Seaport Rijeka. It is necessary to conduct a research on the dry port implementation model on the level of the whole transport chain because different stakeholders have different priorities. The research is carried out taking into consideration a set of factors (from technical, technological, organizational, ecological, economic, information-communication, legal-regulatory and specific aspect) which influence the choice of criteria in determining the need to establish a dry port. Based on the existing and expanded set of criteria, the need for the dry port implementation is identified. This presents the basis for the development of evaluation model criteria for the establishment of the dry port. The results of this study are applicable to the process of improving the current intermodal transport and the creation of technological and organizational capabilities for its rapid development.
suha luka
Keywords (english)
dry port
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:119:577935
Promotion 2022
Study programme Title: Technological systems in traffic and transport Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti, polje tehnologija prometa i transport (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti, polje tehnologija prometa i transport)
Type of resource Text
Extent 231 str. ; 30 cm
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences
Created on 2022-08-30 10:25:53