Title Utjecaj vršnjačke procjene i samoprocjene na pristup učenju i primjenu informacijske i komunikacijske tehnologije kod budućih učitelja
Title (english) The influence of peer and self-assessment on future teachers' appoach to learning and use of informaion and communication technology
Author Karolina Dobi Barišić MBZ: 310471
Mentor Blaženka Divjak (mentor) MBZ: 210830
Mentor Valentina Kirinić (komentor) MBZ: 218651
Committee member Diana Šimić (predsjednik povjerenstva) MBZ: 125756
Committee member Predrag Oreški (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 196406
Committee member Igor Balaban (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 261895
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Organization and Informatics Varaždin
Defense date and country 2018-07-13, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 37 - Education
Abstract Bolonjska deklaracija (Bologna Declaration, 1999), Hrvatski kvalifikacijski okvir (Ministartsvo znanosti, obrazovanja i sporta RH, 2013), Strategija obrazovanja, znanosti i tehnologije (Vlada Republike Hrvatske, 2014), te Okvir nacionalnoga kurikuluma (Ministarstvo znanosti, obrazovanja i sporta RH, 2016) su strateški dokumenti Europske Unije i Vlade Republike Hrvatske koji promiču važnost reforme obrazovanja u smjeru stjecanja kompetencija temeljenih na ishodima učenja. U ovom istraživanju predložen je dizajn okoline za poučavanje koji potiče stjecanje kompetencija navedenih u prethodnim dokumentima, poput rješavanja problema, timski rad, digitalna i informacijska pismenost, razvoj kritičkog i analitičkog mišljenja.
U ovom istraživanju razmatra se razvoj studentskog kritičkog mišljenja i sposobnost rješavanja problema u novonastalim situacijama kroz sudjelovanje studenata u procesu procjene znanja te uz primjenu IKT-a u nastavi. Istraživanje je podijeljeno na teorijski i empirijski dio. U teorijskom dijelu istraživanja dan je pregled relevantne literature dok empirijski dio istraživanja obuhvaća: (i) istraživanje trenutnog stanja u znanjima nastavnika i učitelja u praksi u Republici Hrvatskoj o primjeni informacijsko komunikacijske tehnologije u nastavi, (ii) proširenje i validaciju upitnika RASI (Revised Approach to Study Inventory) u kontekstu složenih i problemskih zadataka, (iii) validaciju upitnika SPTKTT (Survey of Preservice Teachers’ Knowledge of Teaching and Technology) u kontekstu hrvatskog obrazovnog sustava, (iv) eksperiment s faktorskim dizajnom kojim se ispitivao utjecaj sudjelovanja u procesima vršnjačke kriterijske procjene i/ili samoprocjene rješenja problemskog i/ili složenog zadatka u okviru online suradničkog učenja na percepciju budućih učitelja i nastavnika o napretku njihovog znanja o primjeni tehnologije u nastavi, kao i utjecaj spomenutih procesa na razvoj dubinskog pristupa učenju u promatranom kontekstu. Dobiveni podaci analizirali su se uz pomoć programa za statističku obradu podataka Statistica 13, SPSS 24 te programa za strukturalno programiranje Lisrel 9.1. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su: (i) da učitelji i nastvanici u Republici Hrvatskoj percipiraju slabija vlastita znanja o primjeni tehnologije u nastvai u odnosu na pedagoška i sadržajna znanja; (ii) prošireni upitnik RASI odgovara predloženom teorijskom modelu i prikladan je za korištenje u kontekstu složenih i problemskih zadataka; (iii) upitnik SPTKTT odgovara predloženom teorijskom modelu i prikladan je za korištenje u kontekstu hrvatskog obrazovnog sustava i (iv) Utjecaj niti jedne promatrane varijable nije statistički značajan u pomaku prema
dubokom pristupu učenju; ne postoji povezanost između pristupa učenju koji student uobičajeno primjenjuje i dijametra kvazi - pouzdanosti i studentske procjene; nezavisna varijabla Vrijeme ima statistički značajan utjecaj na percepciju budućih učitelja i nastavnika o napretku njihovog znanja o primjeni tehnologije u nastavi, ali utjecaj se dodatno ne objašnjava niti jednom varijablom promatranom u ovom istraživanju.
Abstract (english) The Bologna Declaration (1999), the Croatian Qualification Framework (Ministry of Science, Education and Sport of the Republic of Croatia, 2013), the Education, Science and Technology Strategy (Government of the Republic of Croatia, 2014), and the National Curriculum Framework (Ministry of Science, Education and Sports , 2016) are the strategic documents of the European Union and the Government of the Republic of Croatia that promote the importance of education reform in the direction of acquiring learning-based competencies. In this research, the design of the learning environment has been suggested, which encourages the acquisition of competences mentioned in the previous documents, such as problem solving, teamwork, digital and information literacy, and critical and analytical thinking.
This research considers the development of student critical thinking and ability to solve problems in emerging situations through the participation of students in the process of assessment of knowledge and the use of ICT in teaching. The research is divided into a theoretical and empirical part. In the theoretical part of the study, a review of the relevant literature is provided, while the empirical part of the research includes: (i) research into the current state of knowledge of teachers and teachers in practice in the Republic of Croatia on the application of information communication technology in teaching; (ii) extension and validation of the RASI (Revised Approach to Study Inventory) in the context of complex and problematic tasks, (iii) validation of the Survey of Preserving Teachers' Knowledge of Teaching and Technology (SPTKTT) questionnaire in the context of the Croatian educational system, (iv) a experiment with factor design investigating the influence of participation in Peer criterion assessments and / or self-assessment of a problem-solving and / or complex task in the context of online collaborative learning on the perception of future teachers and teachers on the progress of their knowledge on the application of technology in teaching, as well as the impact of these processes on the development of deep approaches to learning in the observed context. The data obtained were analyzed with the help of statistical data processing software Statistica 13, SPSS 24 and Structural Programming Lisrel 9.1.
The results of the research showed that: (i) teachers in the Republic of Croatia perceived lesser own knowledge about the application of technology in teaching in regards to own pedagogical and content knowledge; (ii) the extended RASI questionnaire corresponds to the proposed theoretical model and is suitable for use in the context of complex and problematic tasks; (iii) the SPTKTT questionnaire corresponds to the proposed theoretical model and is suitable for
use in the context of the Croatian education system; and (iv) the impact of none of the observed variables is statistically significant in the move towards a deep approach to learning; there is no correlation between the learning approach that a student normally applies and the quasi-reliability of student assessment; independent variable Time has a statistically significant impact on the perception of future teachers on the progress of their knowledge on applying technology to teaching, but the impact is not additionally explained by any variables observed in this research.
informacijsko komunikacijska tehnologija
kvazi eksperiment
vršnjačka procjena
kriterijska procjena
pristup učenju
Keywords (english)
information and communication technologies
quasi experiment
peer assessment
self assessment
criteria assessment
approach to learning
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:211:905006
Study programme Title: Postgraduate doctoral study in Information Science Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Faculty of Organization and Informatics - Digital Repository
Created on 2018-09-04 12:33:45