Title Kurikulumsko partnerstvo u izgradnji odgojno-socijalne kulture škole
Title (english) The development of school's educational-social culture through curriculum partnership
Author Ružica Pažin-Ilakovac
Mentor Vlatko Previšić (mentor)
Committee member Ante Kolak (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Vesna Buljubašić-Kuzmanović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Vlatko Previšić (član povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Osijek
Defense date and country 2016-12-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy School Pedagogy
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 37 - Education
Thesaurus (NSK Kontrolirani rječnik)
Socijalni aspekti
Školska pedagogija
Abstract U aktualnim promjenama škole koje se kreću prema pedagoško-socijalnoj zajednici aktivnog i stvaralačkog učenja te ponašanja sve više se razvija otvoreni humanistički kurikulum. Novi se odnosi njegovih sudionika temelje na demokratskim vrijednostima, društveno dominirajućoj paradigmi suradništva i konstruktivističkim teorijama pa se u ovom radu istražuju mogućnosti kurikulumskog partnerstva u izgradnji odgojno-socijalne kulture škole. Tri su glavne sredine u kojima učenici uče i odrastaju: obitelj, škola i lokalna zajednica. U znanstveno-stručnoj preobrazbi suvremene škole naglašava se socijalno-komunikacijska participacija svih sudionika kurikuluma koji se sukonstruira u međuodnosnu mrežu, temeljenu na kompetencijama učenika i izgradnji opće kulture kao polazišta za cjeloživotnu nadogradnju svega ostaloga. Kurikulumska filozofija, teorija i metodologija traži, podržava i integrira razvijenije suradničke odnose svih sudionika u zajedničkoj rekonceptualizaciji odgoja i obrazovanja te sukreiranju nove prijateljske kulture škole. U prvom se dijelu rada, nakon uvodnog razmatranja, daje pregled teorijskih polazišta sukonstrukcije kurikuluma suvremene škole, a u drugom njegove humanističke dimenzije u slijednim promjenama odgojno-socijalne funkcije škole. Treći se dio odnosi na pokušaj određenja kulture škole i na kraju, u četvrtom, partnerstva kao društvene paradigme i pedagoške potrebe.
Cilj je empirijskog dijela bio ispitati doprinos kurikulumskog partnerstva u izgradnji odgojno-socijalne kulture škole te stanje i perspektive razvojnog procesa njegove sukonstrukcije. Teorijskom analizom obuhvaćeni su godišnji planovi i programi rada, školski kurikulumi te polustruktirirani grupni intervjui s povjerenstvima za kvalitetu 11 osnovnih škola. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su prisutnost kurikulumskog suradništva koje se razvija prema partnerstvu te njegov doprinos izgradnji odgojno-socijalne kulture. Opisali su razvojni kontekst tih procesa u kurikulumu "škole koja promiče partnerstvo". Ona teži dobrobiti, uključenosti, jednakopravnosti i aktivnoj participaciji svih sudionika. Kreira različite aktivnosti učenika, učitelja, roditelja i subjekata iz okružja kojima se promiče zajedništvo i suodgajanje. Obilježava je društvenost i bogate socijalne mreže, demokratsko vođenje, razvijenija suradnja te otvorenost za promjene i uzajamno "prelijevanje" školskoga i lokalnoga kurikuluma.
Abstract (english) In the current changes in schools that are moving towards the pedagogical and social community of active and creative learning and behaviour, an open humanistic curriculum has been increasingly developing. The new relationships of its participants are based on democratic values, the socially dominating paradigm of collaboration and constructivist theories; therefore, this paper examines the possibilities of curricular partnerships in the building of an educational and social school culture. There are three main milieus where students are learning and growing up: family, school and local community. The scientific and professional transformation of the modern school emphasizes the social and communication participation of all participants in the curriculum that co-constructs itself into an interrelated network, based on the competencies of students and building a common culture as a starting point for lifelong upgrade of everything else. Philosophy, theory and methodology of the curriculum seek, support and integrate more developed collaborative relationships among all participants in the common reconceptualization of education and co-creation of the new friendly school culture. The first part of the paper, after the introductory considerations, provides an overview of theoretical positions of the co-construction of the modern school curriculum. The second part presents an overview of its humanistic dimensions in sequential changes concerning educational and social school functions. The third part relates to the attempt to define the culture of the school. The fourth and the last part of the paper deals with partnerships as a social paradigm and educational need. The theoretical analysis has established the foundation of the curriculum partnership and educational-social culture in the constructivist approach, ecological systems theory and settings of the social capital. Fundamental humanistic determinants of the curricular philosophy, theory, methodology and practice are allowing its creative and engaged co-construction to all the participants inside their new partner role in the culture of the modern school. The student is in the centre, he is „an active subject with rights“ and in that friendly school community he has an opportunity to learn, grow up, self-fulfil and actively participate in the process. The aim of the empirical part of the paper was to investigate the contribution of curricular partnerships in building the educational and social culture of the school as well as the state and prospects of the development process of its co-construction. The theoretical analysis deals with the syllabuses, school curricula and semi-structured group interviews with the members of The Committee for Quality of eleven elementary schools in five counties of region. Research objectives are constructed around following questions: Who are the partners and what values and aims are co-realised in social dimension of the curriculum? What are the challenges in partner curriculum co-construction? What is the development context of the curriculum partnership? What are the characteristics of the „school that promotes partnership“? The methodology of grounded theory was applied in this research, an approach that involves systematically setting of broad relation conceptual issues, theoretical sampling and systematic coding. This research examined the relationship of theory to practice, from the multiple perspectives of participants and analytical interpretation as their connection. Data validation of this complex construct was conducted with the triangulation of the theory and sources. It involves comparison and integration of the data from different sources and multiple aspects. The results of this research showed the existence of the curriculum collaborations that have been developing as partnerships and contributing to the creation of the educational and social culture. Certain challenges have been observed in schools in establishing partnerships, such as insufficient readiness of participants for that approach and acceptance of pluralism in education and learning; weaker curricular planning; characteristics, position and competences of partners and unresolved legal issues and access to educational policy. Family and parents are the first and most important school partners. The results described the development of these processes in the context of the curriculum of a "school that promotes partnership". Such a school tends toward well-being, inclusion, equality and active participation of all participants. It creates various student, teacher and parent activities as well as activities that involve subjects from the community in order to promote unity and a collaborative upbringing. It is characterized by sociability and a rich social network, democratic leadership, developed cooperation and openness to change and mutual "overflow" of school curriculum and local curriculum.
humanistički pristup
kurikulumsko partnerstvo
odgojno-socijalna kultura
Keywords (english)
humanistic approach
curricular partnerships
education and social culture
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:142:755334
Promotion 2016-12-28
Study programme Title: Pedagogy and Contemporary School Culture Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje pedagogija (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje pedagogija)
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Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Repository FFOS-repository
Created on 2017-09-05 12:48:56