Title Konstitutivno modeliranje promjene plastične anizotropije limova
Title (english) Constitutive modelling of plastic anisotropy evolution for sheet metals
Author Maja Džoja https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1205-0489
Mentor Vedrana Cvitanić (mentor)
Committee member Željan Lozina (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Zdenko Tonković (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Lovre Krstulović-Opara (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Frane Vlak (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Branimir Lela (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (Department of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture) Split
Defense date and country 2022-10-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Basic Technical Sciences Technical Mechanics (Mechanics of Rigid and Deformable Bodies)
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 621 - Mechanical engineering. Nuclear technology. Machinery
Abstract U ovom radu razvijeni su i analizirani fenomenološki konstitutivni modeli promjene plastične anizotropije za lim aluminijske legure AA5754-H22 i čelični lim DC06. Razmatrane su osnovne značajke anizotropnog ponašanja limova te su prikazane osnove klasične teorije plastičnosti metala. Konstitutivne jednadžbe anizotropnog elasto-plastičnog modela materijala temeljenog na nepridruženom pravilu tečenja i izotropno-distorzijskom očvršćivanju razmatrane su s aspekta zadovoljavanja uvjeta stabilnosti plastičnog toka. Za ekvivalentnu plastičnu deformaciju kao varijablu očvršćivanja korištena je definicija prema principu ekvivalentnosti rada plastičnog deformiranja. Na temelju provedenih pokusa jednoosnog rastezanja uzoraka provedena je karakterizacija promjene plastične anizotropije za lim aluminijske legure AA5754-H22. Primijenjen je postupak prema kojem se Lankfordov koeficijent razmatra kao veličina koja se kontinuirano mijenja s napredovanjem uzdužne plastične deformacije u pokusu rastezanja. Za analizirane materijale, razvijeni su anizotropni elasto-plastični konstitutivni modeli koji pretpostavljaju izotropno ili izotropno-distorzijsko očvršćivanje, pridruženo ili nepridruženo pravilo tečenja i koriste Hill-48, KB-1993 ili Yld2000-2d funkciju naprezanja. Za Yld2000-2d funkciju naprezanja provedena su dodatna razmatranja vezano uz proračun parametara anizotropije pod pretpostavkom o nepridruženom pravilu tečenja. U svrhu provođenja analize na strukturnoj razini, algoritamske formulacije konstitutivnih modela, razvijene prema implicitnom postupku povratnog projiciranja, implementirane su u program za analizu metodom konačnih elemenata ADINA 8.6. Formulacije su implementirane u obnovljenu Lagrangeovu formulaciju ljuskastog konačnog elemenata u okviru teorije inkrementalnog deformiranja. U implementiranim modelima promjene plastične anizotropije, parametri funkcije tečenja i/ili plastičnog potencijala predstavljeni su kao kontinuirane funkcije ekvivalentne plastične deformacije. Razvijene formulacije ispitane su u predviđanju postupka cilindričnog dubokog vučenja. Razmatran je utjecaj opisa orijentacijskih ovisnosti plastičnih karakteristika te utjecaj oblika konture plohe tečenja/plastičnog potencijala na izgled ruba izvučene posudice za analizirane materijale. Na temelju rezultata numeričkih testova procijenjena je točnost razvijenih algoritamskih formulacija. Ispitan je utjecaj dva različito temeljena pristupa pri definiranju varijable očvršćivanja u jednostavnim testovima deformiranja na razini integracijske točke i u predviđanju postupka cilindričnog dubokog vučenja.
Abstract (english) In this thesis, phenomenological constitutive models for sheet metals that take into account plastic anisotropy evolution are developed and analyzed considering experimental data for aluminum alloy sheet AA5754-H22 and steel sheet DC06.
The basic features of the anisotropic sheet metals behaviour are considered and the basics of the classical metal plasticity theory are presented. The constitutive equations of the anisotropic elasto-plastic model, based on non-associated flow rule and isotropic-distortional hardening, are considered from the aspect of the plastic flow stability conditions. The definition of equivalent plastic strain as hardening parameter consistent with the principle of plastic work equivalence is utilized.
In order to characterize the plastic anisotropy evolution, uniaxial tensile tests of AA5754-H22 sheet samples were performed. Lankford coefficient is considered as instantaneous value that varies with increase of longitudinal true plastic strain in tensile test. Anisotropic elasto-plastic constitutive models that assume isotropic or isotropic-distortional hardening, associated or non-associated flow rule and utilize Hill-48, KB-1993 or Yld2000-2d stress function are developed for analyzed materials. For the Yld2000-2d stress function additional considerations are performed in calculation procedure of anisotropy parameters under the assumption of non-associated flow rule. In order to perform analysis on structural level, algorithmic formulations of constitutive models, based on implicit return mapping procedure, are developed and implemented into the finite element program ADINA 8.6. The implementation is performed under the framework of updated Lagrangian formulation of the continuum-based resultant (CBR) shell element and incremental deformation theory. In implemented evolving plasticity models, the anisotropy parameters of yield function/plastic potential are set as the continuous functions of equivalent plastic strain. The developed formulations are analyzed in predicting the cylindrical cup deep drawing process for the considered materials. The influence of descriptions of yield stress ratio/Lankford coefficient directional dependences as well as the influence of the shape of yield function/plastic potential contours on the cup drawing predictions are considered. Based on the results of numerical tests, the accuracy of the developed algorithmic formulations is estimated. Two different approaches in defining hardening variable are examined on the integration point level and in predicting the cylindrical cup drawing test.
konstitutivno modeliranje
modeli promjene plastične anizotropije
nepridruženo pravilo tečenja
Lankfordov koeficijent
Yld2000-2d funkcija naprezanja
postupak cilindričnog dubokog vučenja
Keywords (english)
sheet metals
constitutive modelling
evolving plasticity models
non-associated flow rule
Lankford coefficient
Yld2000-2d stress function
cylindrical cup deep drawing process
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:179:441791
Promotion 2022
Study programme Title: Mechanical Engineering Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti, polje strojarstvo (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti, polje strojarstvo)
Type of resource Text
Extent 207 str.
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
Terms of use
Repository Repository of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture
Created on 2022-01-11 12:54:43