Title Precizno mjerenje izmjenične struje Rogowskijevim svitkom
Title (english) Precise measurement of ac current by Rogowski coil
Author Luka Ferković
Mentor Damir Ilić (mentor)
Committee member Josip Butorac (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Damir Ilić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Branislav Kuzmanović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mario Cifrek (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Željko Štih (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (Department of Electrical Engineering Fundamentals and Measurements) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2007-11-09, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Electrical Engineering
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 621.3 - Electrical engineering
Abstract Ovim radom obuhvaćena je razrada problematike mjerenja izmjeničnih struja nedisipativnom metodom, u vidu strujnog transformatora bez feromagnetske jezgre na načelu Rogowskijevog svitka. Kako na točnost mjerenja struje tom metodom prvenstveno utječe međuinduktivitet sustava svitka i primarnog vodiča, koji kod realnog Rogowskijevog svitka ovisi o mnogo faktora, posebna pažnja posvećena je analitičkim metodama kojima se u obzir uzimaju sve utjecajne veličine te eksperimentalnim provjerama tih metoda na modelima razvijenima posebno za tu namjenu. Budući da je inducirani napon relativno malen (pri frekvenciji 50 Hz osjetljivost transformatora je reda 1 mV/A) i strogo funkcija derivacije mjerene struje po vremenu, posebno je obrađena i problematika njegovog točnog mjerenja te analizirani kriteriji za izradu preciznog elektroničkog integratora i širokopojasnog pojačala, čime se automatski osigurava i linearnost prijenosne funkcije u frekvencijskoj domeni. Zbog male osjetljivosti transformatora javlja se i problem superponiranih smetnji, što je riješeno specijalnom dvostrukom astatičkom izvedbom sekundara, te posebnom inačicom integratora sa balansiranim ulazom na koje se nadovezuje instrumentacijsko pojačalo diskretne izvedbe. Temperaturna stabilizacija transformatora postiže se njegovim smještajem u zabrtvljeno kućište te kompenzacijskim opterećenjem, dok je kod integratora uporabljena čvrsta termička sprega temperaturno ovisnih kapaciteta i termistora koji utječe na pojačanje sklopa. Kalibracijom uređaja postignuta je ukupna osjetljivost 0,179 V/A, čime je omogućeno mjerenje struja od 0,1 A do 15 A u frekvencijskom opsegu od 20 Hz do 1 kHz. Primjenom vrhunskih digitalnih multimetara od 8,5 znamenaka, u tom frekvencijskom području nesigurnost mjerenja induciranog napona iznosi 7X10-5 dok je, zbog nesigumosti primarne struje te rasipanja mjernih rezultata, nesigurnost metode mjerenja struje izvedenim pretvornikom 2X10-4. Obavljena eksperimentalna mjerenja pokazuju veliku perspektivnost ove metode i vrlo dobro slaganje s proračunima te se, primjenom drugačijih metoda kalibracije uređaja, tijekom daljnjih ispitivanja očekuju i manje dorade elektroničkog dijela koje će omogućiti mjerenje mnogo većih izmjeničnih struja s manjom nesigurnošću.
Abstract (english) This thesis covers the elaboration of non-dissipative method of the AC current measurement by air core current transformer based on Rogowski coil. Since the accuracy of AC current measurement achieved by this transducer depends primarily on mutual inductance of coil and current conductor, the special attention is payed to the analytical methods, wich consider many influence quantities. Moreover, their experimental verifications are performed on models developed especially for this purpose. The coil output voltage is proportional to the rate of change of the current being measured and since the voltage is very small (typically a few milivolts) at the low frequencies, the use of the electronic integrator is required, which also assures linearity of the transducer transimpedance in frequency domain. Because of low sensitivity of the transformer, the problem with superimposed disturbances may appear. This is solved by special double astatic secondary windings and specific symmetrical integrator with the balanced inputs and instrumentation amplifier on its output. The temperature stabilisation of the transformer is achieved by its placing into the sealed cylinder, and use of compensation load, while the temperature drift of capacitances of integrator condensers is being neutralized by copper thermistor, which has influence on amplification of the circuit. The sensitivity of the transducer, established by calibration, is 0,179 V/A, and enable the measurement of current in range of 0,1 A to 15 A, from 20 Hz to 1 kHz. In this frequency band, by application of supreme digital voltmeters with 81 digits, the coil voltage measuring uncertainty of 7•10-5 is achieved. Moreover, the measuring uncertainty of transducer transimpedance is 2•10-4, partially because of the additional uncertainty of current. The performed experimental measurements point to the perspectivity of this measurement method, and show very good agreement to calculations. Therefore, by minor changes of the electronic part of the transducer and applying the alternative methods of transducer calibration during the further testings, the possibility of measurement of higher AC current with smaller uncertainty are expected.
mjerenje izmjenične struje
nedisipativna metoda
strujni transformator
Rogowskijev svitak
dvostruki astatički sekundar
analitičke metode određivanja pogrešaka
elektronički integrator
digitalni multimetar
Keywords (english)
ac current measurement
nondissipative method
current transformer
Rogowski coil
mutual inductance
double astatic secondary windings
analitical methods of error determination
electronic integrator
digital multimeter
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:168:541709
Study programme Title: Doctoral study programme "Electrical Engineering and Computing" Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, po-dručje tehničkih znanosti (doktor/doktorica znanosti, po-dručje tehničkih znanosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
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Repository FER Repository
Created on 2020-04-30 13:59:55