Title Značajke pouzdanosti uzemljenja srednjenaponskih transformatorskih stanica
Author Pavle Filko
Mentor Vladimir Mikuličić (mentor)
Committee member Tomislav Tomiša (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Vladimir Mikuličić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Srete Nikolovski (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (Department of Energy and Power Systems) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2001-07-05, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Electrical Engineering
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 621.3 - Electrical engineering
Abstract U inženjerskom korpusu prevladava razmišljanje da je o uzemljivačima gotovo sve rečeno. Mišljenja smo da nije tako te je stoga svrha ovog rada da se pomoću zakona pouzdanosti pokrene snažnije promšiljanje o uzemljivačima kao bitnim elementima gotovo svakog strujnog kruga. Prvenstveno se ovdje razmatra sustav uzemljenja elektroenergetskog objekta, točnije gradske TS 10(20)/0.4 kV. Uzemljivačima TS se, od projektnog zadatka preko projektiranja, izvođenja pa do održavanja u pogonu ne pridaje dovoljna pozornost. Ovim radom pokušava se, drugim pristupom, otvoriti novi pogled na uobičajene metode određivanja toga važnog dijela elektroenergetskog sustava.
U poglavlju B) Svrha i plan istraživanja, obrazlažu se razlozi pristupanja izradi ovog rada, te zadaju određena pitanja na koja se očekuju određeni zaključci. Plan istraživanja pojašnjava koji se podaci i od koga trebaju prikupiti i to analizirati te na koji način vršiti mjerenje. Određuje se i kojim proračunima tražiti rezultate.
Poglavlje C) O pouzdanosti TS 10(20)/0.4 kV, daje teoretski prikaz pouzdanosti koja se primjenjuje na sustav uzemljenja. Obrađuju se, iz literature dostupni, modeli pouzdanosti i na kraju vri proračun karakterističnih veličina kako komponenata tako i sustava uzemljenja TS 10(20)/0.4 kV.
U poglavlju D) O uzemljenju TS 10(20)/0.4 kV. daju se osnovni pokazatelji uzemljivača općenito, njegove karakteristike i utjecaje na otpor rasprostiranja. Detaljno se upoznaje sa tipskom (prosječnom) gradskom TS i njezinim karakteristikama. Priložena je jednopolna shema i slika sustava uzemljenja. Izvršen je i proračun zaštitnog i radnog uzemljenja iz razloga moguće usporedbe računskih vrijednosti sa izmjerenim vrijednostima otpora uzemljenja na TS u pogonu.
Slijedeće poglavlje E) Provedba i rezultati ispitivanja, daje uvid u sheme mreže TS 10(20)/0.4 kV na kojoj je provedeno ispitivanje, prikazuje tablično sređene podatke o karakteristikama tih TS, te isto tako sređene podatke o izmjerenim vrijednostima otpora rasprostiranja uzemljivača. Također su prikazani mjerni postupci kod mjerenja otpora uzemljenja i dana tablica izmjerenih vrijednosti te grafikon udjela prosječnih izmjerenih vrijednosti otpora uzemljenja TS i kao sustava i njegovih komponenti.
Poglavlje F) Zaključna razmatranja, prikazuje analizu postignutih rezultata i proračuna i izmjerenih vrijednosti, te se stvaraju zaključci na zadane teme dane poglavljem B) Svrha i plan istraživanja. Daje se i osvrt na održavanje i pogon uzemljivačkog postrojenja.
Abstract (english) In engineering corpus there is a thought that about grounding everything has been said. We believe that it isn’t so and because of that the purpose of this paper is, by the laws of reliability, to start stronger thinking about grounders as relevant elements of every electric circuit. Major consideration here is grounding system of electro energetic object, to be more precise city TS 10(20)/0.4 kV. No major relevance is given to TS grounders since project task through projecting to maintenance in field. With this paper we are trying, with a different approach, to open a new view on usual methods of determination of that important part of electro energetic system.
In chapter B) The reason and the plan of research, the reasons of approach to conduct this paper are explained and exact questions are asked on which exact conclusions are required. The plan of research explains which data and from whom should be collected, what to analyze and on what way to conduct the measurement. It is also determined to which calculations results should be found.
Chapter C) About reliability of TS 10(20)/0.4 kV, gives theoretical view of reliability which is applied in our system of grounding. Models of reliability, which are available from literature, are processed and on the end the calculation of characteristic variables of components and the TS 10(20)/0.4 kV grounding system is done.
In chapter D) About grounding of TS 10(20)/0.4 kV, the major pointers of groundings in general are given, theirs characteristics and influences on resistance of expansion. It is thurally introduced with typical (average) city TS and her’s characteristics. Single pole schematics and picture of grounding system is enclosed. The calculation of protection and working grounding system is also done for possible comparisment of given values with measured values of grounding resistance on TS in work.
Next chapter E) The conduct and results of research, gives a view into schematics of the TS 10(20)/0.4 kV network on which the research were conducted. It shows tablically sorted data about characteristics of earlier mentioned TS’s and likewise sorted data of measured values on expansion resistance of grounders. The measuring ways during measuring of the grounding resistance are also shown and the table of measured values together with graph of portions of average measured values of TS grounding, her’s systems and components is given.
Chapter F) Final considerations, shows the analysis of accomplished results and calculations with measured values. The conclusions are made on given themes from chapter B) the reason and the plan of research. The view on maintenance and work of the grounding facility is given.
Uzemljenje gradske TS 10(20/0.4 kV
statistička pouzdanost
karakteristične veličine pouzdanosti sustava uzemljenja i njegovih komponenata
proračun pouzdanosti
Keywords (english)
City TS 10(20)/0.4 kV grounding
statistical reliability
characteristic values of reliability of grounding system and its components
reliability calculation
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:168:873263
Study programme Title: Postgraduate master programme in electrical engineering Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: Magistar znanosti elektrotehnike (Magistar znanosti elektrotehnike)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
Terms of use
Repository FER Repository
Created on 2019-04-18 14:01:36