Title Prema modelu središnje visokoškolske knjižnice za područje elektrotehnike u Hrvatskoj
Title (english) Towards the model of a Croatian central electrical-engineering library
Author Jadranka Lisek
Mentor Tatjana Aparac-Jelušić (mentor)
Committee member Tatjana Aparac-Jelušić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of information and Communication sciences) Zagreb
Defense date and country 1999, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Library Science
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 02 - Librarianship
Abstract Naslov magistarskog rada Prema modelu središnje visokoškolske knjižnice za područje elektrotehnike u Hrvatskoj govori o namjeri da se istraživački napor usmjeri, a njegovi rezultati iskoriste za promišljanje budućeg djelotvornijeg načina povezivanja elektrotehničkih knjižnica u Hrvatskoj i njihova snažnijeg uključivanja u svjetske razvojne tijekove.
U radu sam stoga nastojala ukazati na razvoj znanosti i tehnologije te njihov utjecaj na razvoj društva generalno, napose na karakteristike razvoja znanosti i tehnike u Hrvatskoj, i važnost akademskog obrazovanja i znanstvenoistraživačkog rada - obuhvaćeno u dijelu rada koji je naslovljen kao Uvod. U tome su dijelu predstavljeni osnovni ciljevi rada i postavljene radne hipoteze.
Zatim slijedi dio o povijesnome razvoju tehničkih i elektrotehničkih disciplina, u kojemu su detaljno, na osnovi raspoložive dokumentacije, publiciranih dokumenata i arhivske građe, predstavljeni glavni pravci razvoja akademskoga obrazovanja i znanstvenoistraživačkoga rada u polju elektrotehnike u Hrvatskoj, s posebnim osvrtom na osnutak i djelovanje studija elektrotehnike na Sveučilištu u Zagrebu, te na mladim hrvatskim sveučilištima u Osijeku, Rijeci i Splitu.
U trećemu dijelu rada istaknula sam osnovne značajke razvoja knjižnične djelatnosti u polju elektrotehnike u svijetu i u Hrvatskoj te sam nastojala komentirati dostupne pokazatelje o knjižničnoj djelatnosti u polju elektrotehnike u Hrvatskoj. U četvrtome dijelu, koji predstavlja središnji dio rada, predstavljeno je istraživanje o korisnicima i korištenju knjižničnih usluga u polju elektrotehnike na četirima sveučilištima u Hrvatskoj, koje sam provela metodom ankete, izravnog uvida i usporednih analiza te intervjua s voditeljima knjižnica i dekanima fakulteta.
Na osnovi dobivenih pokazatelja u petom sam dijelu rada nastojala evaluirati uočeno i predložiti moguće pravce djelovanja u pravcu uspostavljanja djelotvorna modela povezivanja knjižnica elektrotehničkog usmjerenja u Hrvatskoj, s posebnim osvrtom na uporabu telekomunikacijske tehnologije i uspostavu središnje informacijsko-referalne službe u području elektrotehnike kao nukleusa buduće središnje knjižnice.
A u zaključnom sam dijelu nastojala izdvojiti najvažnije nalaze i saznanja do kojih sam došla te ukazati na uočene nedostatke istraživanja, s jedne strane, te potrebu daljnjih produbljenih analiza, s druge strane.
Abstract (english) The objective of this work is to provide a basis for the model of a new, efficient way of connecting electrical-engineering libraries. The research results could contribute to the creation of an electrical engeering libraries network in Croatia and its merging with modern international development trends.
In the introductory chapter of the study the impact of scientific and technological development on society in general was explained. Prior to the presentation of the objectives and preliminary hypothesis of this research, the consequence of technological change on the development of science, technology and scientific research in Croatia were mentioned.
In the following chapter Historical development the mainstream of development of academic education and scientific research in the field of electro-engineering in Croatia were presented. Special attention was paid to the foundation and development of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the University of Zagreb, University of Osijek, University of Rijeka and University of Split. Historical research in this chapter was based on available documentation, Universities’ archives, and numerous publications.
In the following third chapter, the main characteristics of worldwide library practice in the field of electro-engineering were contrasted with the experiences in the related libraries in Croatia. Available information and on library practice in electricalengineering libraries in Croatia was presented and explained.
The main chapter of the work, the fourth chapter, presents a user study at four universities in Croatia (University of Zagreb, University of Osijek, University of Rijeka, University of Split). In this comprehensive user study library services in the field of electrical-engineering were targeted. The statistics on library staff, users, the number and purpose of visits, and user satisfaction with a number of other parameters were measured, compared and analysed.
The study was based upon a survey (questionnaires and interviews) and research on library circulation data. Over six hundreds students were surveyed and questionnaires were collected and analysed. Students were questioned on the purpose of their visit to the library and their reading interests. Furthermore they were asked to estimate the level of their satisfaction with the service provided. In addition 17 questionnaires and interviews with library staff and the heads of academic management were analysed and compared.
The evaluation of the research results was presented in the fifth chapter. As a result, a new efficient model of the networked electric-engineering libraries was suggested which could make use of new information and communication technology. The model would be built around a central information service for the field of electricalengineering which could function as the nucleus of a future central library.
In the conclusion chapter the results of the research were summarized and various problems regarding research methodology were pointed out. The need for the further research was expressed as more profound analysis would be necessary in many issues.
Visokoškolske knjižnice
elektrotehničke knjižnice
knjižnične usluge
Keywords (english)
Academic libraries
electrical engineering libraries
library services
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:168:148982
Study programme Title: Postgraduate (Doctoral) Program in Information Science Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
Terms of use
Repository FER Repository
Created on 2019-04-11 07:39:39