Title Troškovi štete u okolišu
Title (bulgarian) Rad ne sadrži naslov na drugom jeziku.
Author Tea Kovačević
Mentor Danilo Feretić (mentor)
Committee member Vladimir Mikuličić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Danilo Feretić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Božo Udovičić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Nikola Čavlina (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (Department of Energy and Power Systems) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2000, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Electrical Engineering
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 621.3 - Electrical engineering
Abstract Eksterni troškovi u kontekstu ovog rada predstavljaju novčani ekvivalent štete po okoliš i zdravlje ljudi uzrokovane proizvodnjom električne energije. Ovdje su izračunati eksterni troškovi dviju oglednih elektrana, jedne na prirodni plin a druge na ugljen, koje se nalaze među kandidatima za gradnju u dugoročnom planu razvoja hrvatskog elektroenergetskog sustava. Zasad su kvantificirani samo njihovi najvažniji učinci, a to su posljedice emisija onečišćujućih tvari na zdravlje ljudi. Kao uzroci onečišćenja promatrani se plinovi sumporni dioksid i dušični oksidi, te tvari čestičnog karaktera, bilo izravno emitirane bilo nastale kemijskim transformacijama spomenutih plinova u atmosferi. Od posljedica na zdravlje promatrani su akutni smrtni slučajevi, smrtni slučajevi zbog razvoja kronične bolesti, povećan broj hospitalizacija i smanjena radna sposobnost odraslog dijela stanovništva. U prvom dijelu rada opisana je metoda slijeda utjecaja za proračun eksternih troškova, s posebnim osvrtom na modele atmosferske disperzije, koji su presudni u procjeni učinaka onečišćenog zraka na zdravlje. Sam proračun, u središnjem dijelu rada, proveden je tako da su promatrane elektrane smještene na istoj hipotetskoj lokaciji u Zagrebu, za koju je izračunata lokalna i regionalna disperzija polutanata. Ustanovljeno je da najveće štete po zdravlje izaziva čestična tvar, zbog čega elektrana na ugljen ima višestruko veće eksterne troškove od elektrane na plin. Budući da štete izravno ovise o veličini izloženog stanovništva, regionalni eksterni troškovi bitno su veći od lokalnih. Analizirano je kako promjena lokacije elektrane unutar Hrvatske utječe na visinu eksternih troškova, i ustanovljeno da bi s aspekta učinaka na stanovništvo Hrvatske, najpogodnija lokacija za elektranu bila u sjeveroistočnom dijelu zemlje. U trećem dijelu rada elaborirano je nekoliko mogućih primjena eksternih troškova, koristeći prethodno dobivene rezultate. Analiza isplativosti uređaja za smanjenje emisija pokazuje da su strogi emisijski standardi za sumporni dioksid i dušične okside opravdani upravo zbog njihovih dalekosežnih učinaka kojima je izložen veliki broj ljudi. Nadalje, određeni su granični troškovi uređaja za smanjenje emisija, i izjednačeni s graničnim troškom štete po zdravlje, na temelju čega je izračunata ekonomski optimalna razina emisija. Rezultati se dobro poklapaju s važećim emisijskim standardima. Taj i ostali navedeni primjeri potvrđuju da su troškovi štete u okolišu primjenjivi kao pokazatelj u kreiranju mjera zaštite okoliša.
Abstract (english) External costs of electricity represent the monetary value of the environmental damage caused by electricity generation. Here they are calculated by use of the impact pathway method, which relates to a sequence of links between the environmental burden and its impact. Focus of this analysis has been put on the effects of ambient air pollution on human health, as one of the priority impacts of electricity generation. Quantitative relationships have been established linking air pollution with a number of health endpoints: premature mortality (acute and chronic), restricted activity days, and hospital admissions due to respiratory and cerebrovascular problems. The first part describes the steps of the impact pathway methodology, with an emphasis on atmospheric dispersion models as a crucial part to estimating health damages caused by polluted air. The aim of the analysis in the second part was to estimate costs of health damages through air pollution caused by electricity generation in Croatia. Two types of fossil-fired power plants are observed, one coal and one natural gas fired facility, those being among candidates for future power system expansion. Both facilities are assumed to be located in the densely populated urban area of Zagreb, the Croatian capital. Since air pollutants are transported over large distances crossing national borders, their impacts are quantified both on the local level, i.e. within 50 km from the source, as well as for Croatia and the whole of Europe. The largest share in the damage costs accounts for mortality effects attributable to particulate matter, on local level directly while on the regional level in the form of subsequently formed sulfates and nitrates. That is why the damages linked to coal power plants are much larger than those linked to gas fired facilities. Health damages highly depend on the number of people affected, so the local damages are much lower than on the regional scale. Although the calculated damage costs do not necessarily constitute externalities in their entirety, they can be used as good indicators of external costs. Cost benefit analysis of emission abatement technologies showed that strict SO2 and NOx emission standards in Europe are necessary so as to lower their very high impact caused by the large number of people affected. An attempt was made in the thesis to determine the optimal emission levels of SO2 and NOx by equating the marginal damage costs with the marginal abatement costs. The results were in the range of the current emission standards, which is a very good match. That example and some more presented in the thesis prove that external costs can be quite reliable and useful tool in designing environment protection policy.
Eksterni troškovi
energetske tehnologije
proizvodnja električne energije
utjecaj na okoliš i zdravlje
slijed utjecaja
funkcija štete
vrednovanje štete
mjere zaštite okoliša
Keywords (english)
External costs
energy technologies
electricity generation
environmental and health impact
impact pathway
damage function
damage valuation
environment protection measures
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:168:481381
Study programme Title: Postgraduate master programme in electrical engineering Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: Magistar znanosti elektrotehnike (Magistar znanosti elektrotehnike)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
Terms of use
Repository FER Repository
Created on 2019-04-03 12:26:26