Author Mirela Mabić
Mentor Daniela Garbin Praničević (mentor) MBZ: 267124
Committee member Nikša Alfirević (predsjednik povjerenstva) MBZ: 232134
Committee member Maja Ćukušić (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 300571
Committee member Dražena Gašpar (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split Faculty of economics Split Split
Defense date and country 2021, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Business Informatics
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 004 - Computer science and technology. Computing. Data processing 330 - Economics. Economic science
Abstract Predmet rada doktorske disertacije može se razaznati iz njenog naslova – digitalna transformacija i uspješnost u kontekstu visokog obrazovanja. Navedeno definira i glavni cilj doktorske disertacije: utvrditi odnos digitalne transformacije i uspješnosti visokoobrazovnih institucija odnosno ispitati njihovu povezanost. Spoznajom spomenutog odnosa mogu se dati preporuke za unaprjeđenje razine odnosno stupnja digitalizacije (digitalne zrelosti) i povećanje uspješnosti visokoobrazovnih institucija. Iz ćdefiniranog cilja proistekle su i dvije hipoteze. Prva pretpostavlja postojanje veze između digitalne transformacije i uspješnosti visokoobrazovnih institucija, a druga pretpostavlja kako su karakteristike visokoobrazovnih institucija prediktori odnosa pretpostavljenog prvom hipotezom. Kako bi se ispitala utemeljenost postavljenih hipoteze provedeno je empirijsko istraživanje među djelatnicima javnih visokoobrazovnih institucija u Bosni i Hercegovini. Tehnika istraživanja je bilo anketno ispitivanje, a kao instrument je korišten anketni upitnik. Uzorak je uključio 665 djelatnika visokoobrazovnih institucija sa svih 8 javnih sveučilišta (103 ustrojbene jedinice). Prikupljeni podaci su analizirani metodama deskriptivne i inferencijalne statistike. Rezultati su potvrdili obje postavljene hipoteze. Nađena je statistički značajna, pozitivna povezanost između digitalne zrelosti i uspješnosti visokoobrazovnih institucija. Analiza povezanosti u okviru različitih karakteristika visokoobrazovnih institucija također je pokazala značajnu povezanost digitalne transformacije i uspješnosti. Dobiveni koeficijenti korelacije svojim karakteristikama ukazuju na pozitivnu korelaciju, srednje jaku do jaku. Smjer korelacije implicira da veća ocjena digitalne zrelosti najvjerojatnije znači i veću ocjenu uspješnosti, odnosno digitalno zrelije institucije su najvjerojatnije i uspješnije. U budućim istraživanjima treba provjeriti i potvrditi utvrđenu povezanost te istražiti dodatne prediktore istraživanog odnosa, kako u visokom obrazovanju tako i u drugim djelatnostima. U praksi navedeni rezultati nameću potrebu posvećivanja posebne pažnje digitalnoj transformaciji, odnosno potrebu ulaganja u digitalnu tehnologiju i poduzimanja potrebnih koraka s ciljem transformacije postojećeg načina poslovanja kako bi se postigla veća uspješnost.
Abstract (english) The theme of the doctoral dissertation can be seen from its title - digital transformation and success in the context of higher education. This defines the main goal of the doctoral dissertation: to determine the relationship between digital transformation and the success of higher education institutions, and to examine their correlation. With the knowledge of the mentioned relationship, recommendations can be given for improving the level or degree of digitalization (digital maturity) and increasing the success of higher education institutions. Two hypotheses also emerged from the defined goal. The first assumes the existence of a correlation between digital transformation and the success of higher education institutions, and the second assumes that the characteristics of higher education institutions are predictors of the relationship assumed by the first hypothesis. In order to examine the validity of the hypotheses, an empirical study was conducted among employees of public higher education institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The research technique was a survey, and a survey questionnaire was used as an instrument. The sample included 665 employees of higher education institutions from all 8 public universities (103 organizational units/faculties). The collected data were analyzed by methods of descriptive and inferential statistics. The results confirmed both hypotheses. A statistically significant, positive correlation was found between digital maturity and the success of higher education institutions. The analysis of connectivity within different characteristics of higher education institutions also showed a significant correlation between digital transformation and success. The obtained correlation coefficients with their characteristics indicate a positive correlation, medium to strong. The direction of correlation implies that a higher assessment of digital maturity most likely means a higher assessment of performance, ie digitally more mature institutions are most likely and successful. In future research, the established connection should be checked and confirmed, and additional predictors of the researched relationship should be investigated, both in higher education and in other areas. In practice, these results impose the need to pay special attention to digital transformation, ie the need to invest in digital technology and take the necessary steps to transform the existing way of business in order to achieve greater success.
digitalna transformacija
digitalna zrelost
visokoobrazovne institucije
Keywords (english)
Key words: digitalization
digital transformation
digital maturity
higher education institutions
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:124:385893
Promotion 2021-05-25
Study programme Title: Postgraduate doctoral study programme in Economics and Business Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor znanosti u području društvenih znanosti (doktor znanosti u području društvenih znanosti)
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Created on 2024-11-11 12:24:25