Title Upravljanje promjenama u funkciji strategijskog razvoja malih i srednjih poduzeća
Author Ljerka Tomljenović
Mentor Mira Krneta (mentor) MBZ: 92366
Committee member Dejan Kružić (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 92243
Granter University of Split Faculty of economics Split Split
Defense date and country 2016, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Organization and Management
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 005 - Management
Abstract Svrha ovog doktorskog rada bila je istražiti proces rasta i razvoja vec etabliranih malih i
srednjih poduzeca (MSP-ova). Taj se proces istraživao utvrivanjem povezanosti izmeu
upravljanja promjenama i strategijskog razvoja MSP-ova u smislu održavanja dinamicke
ravnoteže izmeu organizacijske efikasnosti i efektivnosti, a sve s ciljem što uspješnije
strategijske prilagodbe mjerene performansama poduzeca. Glavni su ciljevi istraživanja:
utvrditi glavne znacajke upravljanja promjenama, strategijskog razvoja, performansi i
okruženja istraživanih MSP-ova u Republici Hrvatskoj, utvrditi postoje li razlike u odnosu na
potencijal (brzorastuca, visokotehnološka i inovativna), analizirati uzrocno-posljedicne veze
izmeu kljucnih koncepata i ispitati znacajnost razlike i povezanost kljucnih koncepata s
varijablama iz okruženja. Na osnovi teorijskog istraživanja oblikovan je konceptualni model.
Rezultati empirijskog istraživanja temelje se na uzorku od 190 etabliranih MSP-ova.
Rezultati ukazuju na: a) izraženije znacajke poduzeca s potencijalom u podrucju
organizacijske i strategijske dinamike, te povezano i ocijenjenih performansi, b) empirijsku
potvrdu da MSP-ovi u kojima je viša razina individualne poduzetnikove orijentacije
promjenama, viša razina planskog pristupa promjenama, veca fleksibilnost ljudskih resursa i
viša razina kontekstualne ambidekstrije imaju višu razinu strategijske dinamike, c) empirijsku
potvrdu da MSP-ovi koja imaju višu razinu strategijske ambidekstrije, strategijske
fleksibilnosti i raznolikosti i strategijske orijentacije ostvaruju višu razinu performansi, d)
empirijsku potvrdu povezanosti izmeu posebnih obilježja MSP-ova i karakteristika njihove
organizacijske dinamike i e) empirijsku potvrdu povezanosti izmeu intenziteta nesigurnosti
okruženja MSP-ova i karakteristika njihove organizacijske dinamike.
Ovaj doktorski rad doprinosi objašnjavanju rasta i razvoja vec etabliranih MSP-ova u
teorijskom i empirijskom kontekstu. Nalazi provedenog istraživanja u podrucju boljeg
razumijevanja uloge i dimenzija organizacijske i strategijske dinamike MSP-ova mogli bi
pomoci razvoju odgovarajucih mjera institucijske podrške. Istraživanje ima nekoliko
ogranicenja koja treba uzeti u obzir prilikom generalizacije rezultata: ogranicen broj varijabli
uzetih u istraživanje, velicina i heterogenost uzorka, recesijski kontekst istraživanja, on-line
anketiranje, dužina upitnika i nemogucnost usporedbe sa slicnim istraživanjima.
Abstract (english) The main purpose of this doctoral dissertation is to examine the growth and development
process of already established small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
The process is examined by defining the correlation between change management and strategic development
of SMEs in terms of maintaining dynamic balance between organizational effectiveness and
efficacy with the purpose of more successful strategic adaptation measured by company
performance. The main goals of the study are to: determine the main characteristics of change
management, strategic development, performance and surroundings of small and mediumsized
enterprises in the Republic of Croatia, determine whether there are differences in
relation to the potential (fast-growing, high-tech and innovative), analyze the causal
connection among the key concepts and examine the importance of differences and the
connection between the key concepts and variables in surroundings. A conceptual model was
formed on the basis of theoretical research. The results of the empirical research are based on
the sample of 190 established SMEs.
The results indicate the following: a) more conspicuous characteristics of enterprises with the
potential in the area of organizational and strategic dynamics, and related assessed
performance, b) empirical confirmation that SMEs in which a higher level of individual
orientation of entrepreneurs towards change, an increased level of a planned approach to
change, increased flexibility of human resources and a higher level of organizational
ambidexterity have a higher level of strategic dynamics, c) empirical confirmation that SMEs
that have a higher level of strategic ambidexterity, strategic flexibility and diversity and
strategic orientation deliver a higher level of performance, d) empirical confirmation of the
connection between special characteristics of SMEs and the characteristics of their
organizational dynamics, and e) empirical confirmation of the connection between the
intensity of insecurity in the SMEs surroundings and characteristics of their organizational
This doctoral dissertation contributes to the explanation of growth and development of
already established SMEs in theoretical and empirical context. The results of the study in the
area of better understanding of the role and dimension of organizational and strategic
dynamics with the aim of growth and development of SMEs could help the development of
appropriate measures of institutional support. There are several limitations of the study that
should be taken into consideration when generalizing the results: a limited number of
variables collected in the study, the size and heterogeneity of samples, the recessionary
context of the study, an on-line questionnaire and its length, and inability to draw a
comparison with similar studies
upravljanje promjenama
strategijski razvoj
mala i srednja poduzeca (MSP)
Keywords (english)
change management
strategic development
small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:124:763980
Study programme Title: Postgraduate doctoral study programme in Economics and Business Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje ekonomija (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje ekonomija)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository REFST
Created on 2018-04-03 12:42:02