Title Exploring food brand loyalty: the effects of clear label concept on product quality and brand credibility perception
Title (croatian) Lojalnost markama prehrambenih proizvoda: utjecaj clear labela na percepciju kvalitete proizvoda i kredibilitet marke
Author Ferenčić Martina
Mentor Jasmina Dlačić (mentor)
Committee member Bruno Grbac (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mirna Leko-Šimić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Aleksandra Pisnik (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Economics and Business Rijeka
Defense date and country 2024-05-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 330 - Economics. Economic science
Abstract The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the relationship between perceived product quality, brand credibility and brand loyalty in food products. It also examines how these relationships change through the influence of communication elements on the design of food packaging (food labelling), focusing on the ongoing trend towards transparent communication with consumers. Transparency in communicating the content of food products has evolved in recent years from simple ‘free from’ claims to simplifying the content of the product and stating it on the front of the packaging. For the purposes of this research, the terminology ‘Clear label’ is used to describe this trend.
A conceptual model was set up to understand the relationship between the variables mentioned. Proven scales from the literature were used to test perceived product quality and brand credibility, and with slight adaptations to test food brand loyalty. However, the scale to test ‘Clear label’ had to be developed specifically for this study. To test the conceptual model, a survey was conducted among consumers who were divided into a test group and a control group.
To analyse the data collected in the survey, descriptive statistics were used to describe the individual constructs. The scales were tested and checked for reliability and validity in a pilot and a main study. An exploratory factor analysis was conducted to check the factor structure between measured variables and a confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to test how well measured variables represent the constructs used. Multivariate regression analysis was used to test the relationships between the variables and the Sobel test was used to test the moderator effect. The statistical programme SPSS is used for the statistical analysis and AMOS for the confirmatory factor analysis.
The overall conclusion from the research and all the analyses conducted is that the Nutritional and natural content and the Origin (the NANC and ORI scales), which form the construct Clear label perception, show a strong positive correlation not only with some levels of Food brand loyalty, but also to Product quality perception (PPQ) and Brand credibility (BRC). However, no moderating effect was found. This also means that the conceptual model proposed for this research was not confirmed.
In an additional analysis, mediation was also tested based on the conclusion about correlations. For this purpose, an additional model was set up with the parallel mediators, and the results showed that Nutritional and natural
content and the Origin (NANC and ORI) play a mediating role between Product quality perception (PPQ) / Brand credibility (BRC) and Food brand loyalty.
The findings presented in this thesis contribute to the overall understanding of the Clear label trend and its impact on consumer behaviour in relation to the constructs studied: brand loyalty, perceived product quality and brand credibility in packaged food.
The main methodological contribution is seen in the development of new measurement scales for measuring the constructs of the Clear label (Nutritional and natural content or NANC and the Origin or ORI scales).
The methodology and conclusions from the research could provide valuable insights for packaged food companies to improve their branding and integrated communication strategies on the one hand, and on the other hand the results could also be useful for authorities and regulators (e.g., inclusion of guidelines for legal requirements and mandatory information on packaging).
Abstract (croatian) Svrha ovog doktorskog rada je istražiti odnos između percipirane kvalitete proizvoda, kredibiliteta marke i lojalnosti marki prehrambenih proizvoda. Također se ispituje i na koji način se ti odnosi mijenjaju kroz utjecaj komunikacijskih elemenata na dizajnu pakiranja prehrambenih proizvoda, fokusirajući se na stalni trend prema transparentnoj komunikaciji s potrošačima. Transparentnost u komunikaciji sadržaja prehrambenih proizvoda razvila se posljednjih godina od jednostavnih tvrdnji "ne sadrži" do pojednostavljivanja samog sastava proizvoda i njegovog navođenja na prednjoj strani pakiranja. Za potrebe ovog istraživanja koristi se terminologija Clear label za opis ovog trenda.
Za potrebe istraživanja postavljen je konceptualni model za razumijevanje odnosa između spomenutih varijabli. Potvrđene ljestvice iz prethodnih istraživanja korištene su za testiranje percipirane kvalitete proizvoda i kredibiliteta marki, te uz male prilagodbe za testiranje lojenosti prehrambenih marki. Međutim, ljestvica za testiranje Clear label konstrukta morala je biti razvijena posebno za ovo istraživanje. Za testiranje konceptualnog modela provedena je anketa među potrošačima koji su podijeljeni u testnu i kontrolnu skupinu.
Za analizu prikupljenih podataka korištena je deskriptivna statistika za opis pojedinačnih konstrukata. Ljestvice su testirane i provjerene na pouzdanost i validnost kako kroz pilot, tako i kroz glavno istraživanje. Provedena je eksplorativna faktorska analiza kako bi se provjerila faktorska struktura između mjerenih varijabli, te konfirmatorna faktorska analiza kako bi se ispitalo koliko dobro varijable predstavljaju korištene konstrukte. Multivarijantna regresijska analiza korištena je za testiranje odnosa između varijabli, a Sobelov test za testiranje učinka moderatora. Za statističku analizu korišten je statistički program SPSS, te AMOS za faktorsku analizu.
Generalni zaključak istraživanja i svih provedenih analiza je da nutritivni sadržaj i prirodnost (Nutritional and natural content - NANC) te podrijetlo (Origin - ORI), koji čine konstrukt Clear label-a, pokazuju snažnu pozitivnu korelaciju ne samo s nekim razinama lojalnosti prehrambenim markama, nego i s percepcijom kvalitete proizvoda (Percived product quality - PPQ) te kredibilitetom marki (Brand credibility - BRC). Međutim, nije pronađen moderirajući učinak. To također znači da konceptualni model predložen za ovo istraživanje nije potvrđen.
U dodatnoj analizi ispitana je i medijacija temeljem zaključka o korelacijama. U tu svrhu postavljen je dodatni model s paralelnim medijatorima,
a rezultati su pokazali da nutritivni sadržaj i prirodnost (NANC) te podrijetlo (ORI) imaju medijatorsku ulogu između percepcije kvalitete proizvoda (PPQ) / kredibiliteta marke (BRC) te lojalnosti prehrambenim markama.
Rezultati predstavljeni u ovom doktorskom radu pridonose cjelokupnom razumijevanju trenda Clear label i njegovog utjecaja na ponašanje potrošača u odnosu na proučavane konstrukte: lojalnost marki, percipiranu kvalitetu proizvoda i kredibilitet marki prehrambenih proizvoda. Glavni metodološki doprinos vidi se u razvoju novih mjernih ljestvica za mjerenje konstrukata Clear label.
Metodologija i zaključci istraživanja mogli bi pružiti vrijedne uvide prehrambenim tvrtkama za izgradnju svojih marki te kreiranja integrirane komunikacijske strategije s jedne strane, a s druge strane rezultati bi mogli biti korisni i za regulatore (npr. uključivanje smjernica u zakonski okvire i definiranje navođenja obveznih podatka na pakiranju).
Clear label
brand loyalty
perceived product quality
brand credibility
packaged food
Keywords (croatian)
Clear label
lojalnost marki
percipirana kvaliteta proizvoda
kredibilitet marke
prehrambeni proizvodi
Language english
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:192:348081
Promotion 2024
Study programme Title: Economics and Business Economics Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje ekonomija (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje ekonomija)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Economics and Business
Created on 2024-06-28 13:23:01