Title Međuovisnost poreznih struktura i ekonomskog rasta u odabranim državama srednje i istočne Europe i Republici Hrvatskoj
Title (english) Interdependance of tax structures and economic growth in selected Central and East European countries and the Republic of Croatia
Author Maja Grdinić
Mentor Helena Blažić (mentor)
Committee member Nikša Nikolić (predsjednik povjerenstva) MBZ: 115871
Committee member Helena Blažić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Saša Drezgić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Economics and Business Rijeka
Defense date and country 2015-04-18, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Finance
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 336 - Finance. Banking. Money 330 - Economics. Economic science
Abstract U doktorskoj disertaciji procjenjuje se međuovisnost poreznih struktura i
ekonomskog rasta u odabranim državama srednje i istočne Europe i Republici
Hrvatskoj u razdoblju od 1990. godine do 2010. godine. U teorijskom dijelu rada
sustavno se obrađuju teorije endogenog i egzogenog ekonomskog rasta, kao i
utjecaj raznih makroekonomskih varijabli, te monetarne i fiskalne politike na
ekonomski rast. Također, u teorijskom dijelu rada prikazane su najznačajnije
teorijske veze oporezivanja potrošnje, rada i štednje, te utjecaj najznačajnijih
poreznih oblika na bruto domaći proizvod po glavi stanovnika. U empirijskom
dijelu rada modelira se utjecaj poreznih struktura na ekonomski rast, na temelju
podataka za 20 odabranih država (EU-13, te odabrane bivše članice SSSR-a i
Albaniju) pomoću PMG procjenitelja (eng. Pooled Mean Group Estimator).
Analiza je usredotočena na strukturu poreza, a ne na njihovu razinu. Sve
regresije sadrže razinu poreza izraženu kao udio ukupnih poreznih prihoda u
BDP-u. Porezni oblici koji se koriste u modelu, a sukladno OECD klasifikaciji
poreza su: porez na dohodak, doprinosi za socijalno osiguranje, porez na dobit,
porezi na potrošnju, porezi na imovinu i porezi na platne liste. Također, varijable
koje se koriste u modeliranju su: bruto domaći proizvod po stanovniku, udio
bruto investicije u BDP-u, stopa rasta stanovništva, bruto stopa upisa u
institucije visokog obrazovanja. PMG procjenitelj je metoda koja je posebno
prigodna za upotrebu kada se koristi panel gdje je vremenska i grupna
dimenzija relativno velika (20X20 pa na više) te sličnih dimenzija u odnosu na
uobičajene pristupe koji se koriste pri modeliranju panel podataka, a to su MG
metoda (eng. Mean Group Estimator) te DFE metoda (eng. Dynamic Fixed
Effects). U radu su prikazani rezultati sve tri metode. Rezultati prikazani u radu
pokazuju da svi oblici poreza imaju negativan utjecaj na ekonomski rast.
Najveći negativan utjecaj imaju porezi na dohodak, slijede ih porezi na dobit, te
porezi na imovinu koji imaju najmanji negativan utjecaj. Također, porezi na
potrošnju nisu se pokazali statistički značajnim. Rezultati prikazani u ovom radu
ukazuju na bitno drugačiji utjecaj porezne strukture promatranih zemalja u
odnosu na razvijene industrijske zemlje OECD-a za koje su se do sada vodila
istraživanja. Može se zaključiti, prije svega, da je porezna struktura bitno
drugačija u kontekstu važnosti pojedinih poreznih oblika za proračune, da
utjecaj poreznih oblika na ekonomski rast pokazuje sličnosti (potvrđuje
zaključak o negativnom djelovanju direktnih poreza na ekonomski rast), ali i
razlike (u okviru ostalih poreznih oblika) te se može pretpostaviti da je utjecaj
varijabli okruženja te relevantnih makroekonomskih varijabli značajniji nego u
zemljama OECD-a. Navedeni zaključci predstavljaju osnovu za daljnja
istraživanja u ovom području, a rezultati prikazani u radu mogu koristiti
nositeljima fiskalne politike u analiziranim državama prilikom dizajniranja
poreznog sustava.
Abstract (english) This doctoral dissertation investigates the relationship between tax structures
and economic growth in selected Central and Eastern European countries and
the Republic of Croatia in the period from 1990 to 2010. The theoretical part of
the dissertation systematically discusses the theory of endogenous and
exogenous economic growth as well as the impact of various macroeconomic
variables and the monetary and fiscal policies on economic growth. Moreover, it
gives an overview of the most important theoretical notions on consumption,
labor and savings taxation, and the impact of the most significant taxation forms
on gross domestic product per capita. In the empirical part of the work, the
author models the impact of tax structures on economic growth, based on the
data for 20 selected countries (EU-13 and selected former Soviet Union
countries and Albania) using pooled mean group estimator (PMG). The analysis
focuses on the structure of taxes and not their level. All regressions contain the
level of taxes expressed as a share of total tax revenues in GDP. The tax forms
used in the model, in accordance with the OECD classification of taxes, are:
personal income tax, social security contributions, corporate income tax,
consumption taxes, property taxes and payroll taxes. The variables used in the
modeling include: gross domestic product per capita, the share of gross
investment in GDP, population growth rate and the gross enrollment rate into
higher education institutions. The PMG estimator is a particularly appropriate
method when using a panel where time and group dimensions are relatively
large (20X20 and over) and similar dimensions in relation to conventional
approaches used in panel data analysis, such as the MG method (Mean Group
Estimator) and the DFE method (Dynamic Fixed Effects). The results of all three
methods are presented in the work and they show that all tax forms have a
negative impact on economic growth. Personal income taxes proved to have
the highest negative impact on economic growth, followed by corporate income
taxes and property taxes which had the least negative impact. Consumption
taxes showed to be statistically insignificant. Furthermore, the results indicate a
significantly different impact observed countries’ tax structures had on economic
growth to that of OECD developed industrial countries which have been
researched so far. It can be concluded, among other, that tax structures are
significantly different in terms of the importance of individual tax forms for the
budgets, that the impacts of tax forms on economic growth show similarities
(confirms the conclusion on the negative impact of direct taxes on economic
growth), but also differences (within the framework of other tax forms). In
addition to this, it can be assumed that the impact of environment variables and
relevant macroeconomic variables is more significant in the selected countries
than in the OECD countries. These conclusions should serve as a basis for
further research in this area. The results presented in this dissertation can be of
use to those responsible for the fiscal policies in the analyzed countries when
designing tax systems
porezne strukture
ekonomski rast
srednja i istočna Europa
Republika Hrvatska
Pooled Mean Group Estimator
Keywords (english)
tax structure
economic growth
Central and Eastern Europe
the Republic of Croatia
Pooled Mean Group Estimator
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:192:463946
Study programme Title: Economics and Business Economics Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje ekonomija (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje ekonomija)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Economics and Business
Created on 2016-02-24 09:29:04