Title Procjena uspješnosti hrvatskih kompanija monetarnim vrednovanjem intelektualnoga kapitala
Title (english) An assessment of Croatian companies’ successfulness by monetary valuation of intellectual capital
Author Marijan Milinović
Mentor Mira Dimitrić (mentor)
Committee member Dunja Škalamera Alilović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Davor Vašiček (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Tjaša Redek https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3100-7208 (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Economics and Business Rijeka
Defense date and country 2023-07-19, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Accounting
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 330 - Economics. Economic science
Abstract Temeljna svrha ovog rada bila je usmjerena ostvarenju doprinosa u vrednovanju važnosti intelektualnog kapitala u poslovanju poduzeća. Glavni cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati utjecaj neopipljive imovine, ljudskog, strukturnog i relacijskog kapitala na
efikasnost, profitabilnost i tržišnu valorizaciju hrvatskih kompanija. U teorijskom dijelu rada razmatrani su koncept, značaj i sastavnice intelektualnog kapitala, prikazani računovodstveni aspekti priznavanja, mjerenja i prezentiranja neopipljivih resursa, te
razmotrene mogućnosti korištenja monetarnih metoda vrednovanja intelektualnog kapitala. U empirijskom dijelu rada provedena je ekonometrijska analiza na planiranom uzorku sastavljenom od kompanija čijim se dionicama trguje na Zagrebačkoj burzi za
razdoblje od 2009. do 2019. godine, te nakon toga na proširenom uzorku koji su sačinjavala velika trgovačka društva u Republici Hrvatskoj za razdoblje 2017. do 2021. godine. Valjanost postavljenih hipoteza ispitivala se, provođenjem deskriptivne statistike, te korelacijske i panel analize. Rezultati testiranja hipoteza utvrđuju najveći utjecaj intelektualnog kapitala na profitabilnost poduzeća mjerenu stopom povrata na ulaganja, djelomičan na efikasnost mjerenu obrtajem imovine, a utjecaj na omjer
tržišne i knjigovodstvene vrijednosti kompanija nije potvrđen ovim istraživanjem. Glavno ograničenje provedbe istraživanja povezano je s ograničenjima postojećeg računovodstvenog sustava koja ne omogućuju izvođenje izravnijih mjera povezanosti
sastavnica intelektualnog kapitala i financijskih performansi kompanija. Ovaj rad, u teorijskim i empirijskom dijelu, predstavlja doprinos istraživanju učinaka intelektualnog kapitala na poslovnu uspješnost kompanija. Model predložen ovim istraživanjem
razlikuje se od postojećih uvođenjem dviju novih komponenti intelektualnog kapitala (evidentirane nematerijalne imovine i relacijskog kapitala) što analizu čini teoretski utemeljenijom, te ujedno omogućuje sveobuhvatnije sagledavanje njegovih učinaka.
Provedeno empirijsko istraživanje prvo je opsežno istraživanje učinaka intelektualnog kapitala na uspješnost hrvatskih kompanija. Pored doprinosa znanstvenoj literaturi, provedeno istraživanje može biti korisno kreatorima ekonomskih politika, stručnjacima usredotočenim na unapređenje poslovnih informacija, te na praktičnoj razini ulagačima, menadžerima i široj poslovnoj zajednici pri donošenju poslovnih odluka i ocjeni efikasnosti poslovanja.
Abstract (english) The main purpose of this thesis was aimed at making a contribution to the valuation of the importance of intellectual capital in the company's operations. The main goal of the research was to examine the impact of intangible assets, human, structural and relational capital on the efficiency, profitability and market valuation of Croatian companies. The theoretical part of the thesis discussed the concept, significance and components of intellectual capital, including the presentation of accounting aspects of recognizing, measuring and presenting intangible resources and considering the possibilities of using monetary methods of intellectual capital valuation. In the empirical part of the thesis, an econometric analysis was performed on a planned sample composed of companies whose shares are traded on the Zagreb Stock Exchange for
the period from 2009 to 2019, followed by the expanded sample composed of large companies in the Republic of Croatia for the period from 2017 to 2021.The validity of the set hypotheses was tested by conducting descriptive statistics, correlation and panel analysis. The results of the hypothesis testing show the greatest impact of intellectual capital on the profitability of the company measured by the rate of return on investments, partially on the efficiency measured by the turnover of assets, whereas the influence on the ratio of the market to book value of the company was not confirmed
by this research. The main limitation of the research is related to the limitations of the existing accounting system, which does not enable the application of more direct measures of the relationship between the components of intellectual capital and the financial performance of companies. This thesis, in the theoretical and empirical part, represents a contribution to the research of the impact of intellectual capital on the business performance of companies. The model proposed by this research differs from the existing ones by introducing two new components of intellectual capital (recorded intangible assets and relational capital), which makes the analysis more theoretically grounded, and at the same time enables a more comprehensive overview of its impacts. The conducted empirical research is the first extensive research into the effects of intellectual capital on the performance of Croatian companies. In addition to contributing to the scientific literature, the conducted research can be useful to economic policy makers, experts focused on improving business information, and on
a practical level, to investors, managers and a wider business community when making business decisions and evaluating business efficiency.
intelektualni kapital
neopipljiva imovina
monetarno vrednovanje
financijske performanse
uspješnost kompanija
Keywords (english)
intellectual capital
intangible assets
monetary valuation
financial performance
companies’ successfulness
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:192:784491
Promotion 2023
Study programme Title: Economics and Business Economics Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje ekonomija (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje ekonomija)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Economics and Business
Created on 2023-08-30 16:54:31