Title Strategija postizanja konkurentskih prednosti malih hotela Jadranske regije Republike Hrvatske
Title (english) A strategy for achieving competitive advantage for small hotels in Croatia's Adriatic region
Author Šime Vučetić
Mentor Luka Samaržija (mentor)
Committee member Želimir Dulčić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Galović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Nenad Vretenar (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Economics and Business Rijeka
Defense date and country 2021-12-09, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Organization and Management
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 005 - Management 640.4 - Hotel and catering industry. Hospitality management
Abstract Osnovni cilj koji je zadan u ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji bio je usmjeren ka tome da se na
teorijskoj osnovi istraži, a na empirijskoj osnovi dokaže mogućnost za postizanje konkurentskih
prednosti uz pomoć primjene koncepta menadžmenta opskrbnog lanca (MOL-a) u malim
hotelima Jadranske regije Republike Hrvatske. Za ostvarivanje zacrtanog cilja istraživanja
kreiran je i predložen teorijski model koji se prije svega temelji na dokazivanju pretpostavki o
snažnom doprinosu primjene koncepta menadžmenta opskrbnog lanca u hotelijerstvu kao i u
drugim industrijama s ciljem postizanja konkurentskih prednosti.
Posebna pozornost, upravo u teorijskom dijelu rada, usmjerena je na klasifikaciju temeljnih
odrednica hotelijerstva i malih hotela, na način da se posebna pažnja posvećuje proučavanju
obilježja hotelijerstva u Republici Hrvatskoj te obilježja i uloge malih hotela Jadranske regije
Republike Hrvatske u hrvatskom hotelijerstvu. U nastavku teorijskog dijela posebno se
istražuje pojam menadžmenta opskrbnog lanca kao oblika strategije za postizanje
konkurentskih prednosti i to kroz njegov povijesni razvoj koncepta, pojmovno određenje,
karakteristike i ciljeve. Uz navedeno, teorijski dio o menadžmentu opskrbnog lanca sadrži i
pregled istraživanja o primjeni tog koncepta u hotelijerstvu, dok su na kraju teorijskog dijela o
menadžmentu opskrbnog lanca prikazani neki od značajnih i ključnih čimbenika samog
menadžmenta opskrbnog lanca.
Pri provođenju istraživanja testirala se mogućnost primjene menadžmenta opskrbnog lanca na
način da su se prikupljeni podaci obradili kroz deskriptivnu analizu, faktorsku analizu, te
analizu korelacije gdje je utvrđena povezanost prema redoslijedu postavljenih varijabli. Kako
bi se empirijski dokazala mogućnost implementacije koncepta MOL-a za postizanje
konkurentskih prednosti primijenjena je hijerarhijska regresijska analiza. Rezultati dobiveni
ovim empirijskim istraživanjem nedvojbeno ukazuju za koje se varijable pretpostavlja
prediktivni doprinos, a za koje medijacijski efekt na konkurentske prednosti u malim hotelima
Jadranske regije Republike Hrvatske. Isto tako, vjeruje se da će ovo istraživanje biti od velike
koristi ne samo znanstvenicima već i poslovnim subjektima u hotelijerstvu, ugostiteljstvu i
turizmu koji žele postići konkurentsku prednost nad svojom konkurencijom.
Abstract (english) The main goal set in this doctoral thesis was aimed to theoretically investigate and empirically
prove the possibility of gaining the competitive advantages using the supply chain management
(SCM) concept in small hotels of the Adriatic region of the Republic of Croatia. In order to
achieve the aimed goal of this research, a theoretical model based first of all on demonstrating
the hypotheses about a strong contribution of using the supply chain management concept in
the hotel industry as well as in other industries with the aim of gaining the competitive
advantages was created and suggested. Special attention, right in the theoretical part of the
thesis, is given to the classification of the basic features of the hotel industry and small hotels,
in that way that the special attention is dedicated to studying the characteristics of the hotel
industry in the Republic of Croatia as well as the characteristics and importance of the small
hotels in the Adriatic region of the Republic of Croatia for the Croatian hotel industry in general.
Further in the theoretical part, a special emphasis through a research is put on the idea of the
supply chain management as a form of strategy for gaining the competitive advantages in terms
of the historical development of the concept, its notional definition, characteristics and goals.
In addition to that, the theoretical part about the supply chain management includes also a
survey of the research about using this concept in the hotel industry, while the end of the
theoretical part of the supply chain management shows some of the significant and key factors
of the supply chain management itself.
During the research work, the possibility of using the supply chain management was tested in
that way that the collected data were analyzed through descriptive analysis, factor analysis and
correlation analysis determining the connection following the sequence of the given variables.
In order to empirically prove the possibility of implementing the SCM concept in gaining the
competitive advantages, hierarchy regression analysis was used. Results of this empirical
research undoubtedly show which variables are assumed to have the predictive contribution,
and which are assumed to have the mediation effect on the competitive advantages in small
hotels of the Adriatic region of the Republic of Croatia. Also, it is believed that this research
will be of a great help not only to scientists, but also to business operators in hotel industry,
hospitality industry and tourism wishing to gain the competitive advantage over their
konkurentska prednost
menadžment opskrbnog lanca
mali hoteli
Jadranska regija Republike Hrvatske
Keywords (english)
hotel industry
competitive advantage
supply chain management
small hotels
Adriatic region of the Republic of Croatia
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:192:732946
Promotion 2022-05-19
Study programme Title: Economics and Business Economics Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje ekonomija (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje ekonomija)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Economics and Business
Created on 2022-04-26 14:26:56