Title Značaj participativnog upravljanja za razvoj i uspješnost društvenog poduzetništva
Title (english) The influence of participatory governance on the development and success rate of social entrepreneurship
Author Danijela Kažović
Mentor Boštjan Antončič (mentor)
Mentor Tomislav Galović (komentor)
Committee member Heri Bezić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Zdravko Zekić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Karin Širec (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 17192
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Economics and Business Rijeka
Defense date and country 2021-09-02, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Economics of Entrepreneurship
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 334 - Forms of organization and cooperation in the economy
Abstract Društveno poduzetništvo postaje zanimljiv fenomen za znanstvena istraživanja te su u
posljednjih 20-ak godina istraživanja intenzivirana. S obzirom na nedovoljna detaljna
istraživanja i neformalni razvoj društvenog poduzetništva u Republici Hrvatskoj i Europskoj
uniji, istraživanje područja društvenog poduzetništva postaje sve značajnije.
Osnovni cilj znanstvenog istraživanja je istražiti i analizirati pojavnost aktivnosti društvenog
poduzetništva u nositeljima poduzetništva u Republici Hrvatskoj te utjecaj participativnog
upravljanja na razvoj i uspješnost društvenog poduzetništva te predložiti model za razvoj
društvenog poduzetništva za tijela javne vlasti i buduće natječaje Europske komisije kojima je
cilj promocija i razvoj društvenog poduzetništva u Republici Hrvatskoj. Stoga se kroz ovu
disertaciju nastoji razumjeti proces razvoja i uspješnosti društvenog poduzetništva istražujući
prisutnost i ulogu participativnog upravljanja te uspostaviti i empirijski provjeriti model koji
će imati ne samo teorijsku već i praktičnu važnost.
Uzorak izabran za istraživanja predstavljaju nositelje poduzetništva u Republici Hrvatskoj
koji sukladno kriterijima dosadašnjih znanstvenih istraživanja mogu biti i nositelji društvenog
U prvom dijelu rada definirana su kratka razmatranja o izabranoj temi, problem i predmet
istraživanja, znanstvene hipoteze rada, svrha i ciljevi istraživanja, metodologija istraživanja,
očekivani znanstveni doprinos te struktura rada. U drugoj cjelini rada izneseni su teorijski
aspekti istraživanja: pojmovno određenje društvenog poduzetništva, značajke participativnog
upravljanja u društvenom poduzetništvu i uspješnost poslovanja i društveno poduzetništvo.
Treća cjelina Istraživački okvir, metode i rezultati empirijskog istraživanja sastoji se od tri
dijela: metodologija istraživanja, oblikovanje konceptualnog modela i rezultati empirijskog
istraživanja. U zaključku predstavljene su implikacije istraživanja i primjena rezultata te su
sustavno i koncizno formulirani i prezentirani najvažniji rezultati istraživanja.
Rezultati rada pokazuju da postoji potencijal društvenog poduzetništva u Republici Hrvatskoj
te da je potrebno dodatno ulagati u promociju i edukaciju poduzetnika o društvenom
poduzetništvu i njegovoj važnosti za društvo.
Abstract (english) Social entrepreneurship is becoming an interesting phenomenon for scientific research, and
research has intensified during the last approximately 20 years. Given the insufficient detailed
research and informal development of social entrepreneurship in both the Republic of Croatia
and the European Union, research in the field of social entrepreneurship is increasingly
gaining in importance.
The main goal of the research is to investigate and analyse the occurrence of social
entrepreneurship activities in entrepreneurship holders in the Republic of Croatia and the
impact of participatory governance on the development and success rate of social
entrepreneurship and to propose a model for the development of social entrepreneurship for
public authorities and for future tenders of the European Commission whose aim is to
promote and develop social entrepreneurship in the Republic of Croatia. Therefore, this
dissertation seeks to understand the process of development and success of social
entrepreneurship by exploring the presence and role of participatory governance and to
establish and empirically test a model that will have not only theoretical, but also practical
The sample selected for the research represents entrepreneurship holders in the Republic of
Croatia that, in accordance with the criteria of previous scientific research, can also be social
entrepreneurship holders.
The first part of the paper defines brief considerations on the topic, research and subject
problem, scientific hypotheses of the paper, research purposes and goals, research
methodology, expected scientific contribution and structure of the paper. In the second part of
the paper, the theoretical aspects of the research are presented: conceptual definition of social
entrepreneurship, features of participatory governance in social entrepreneurship and business
performance and social entrepreneurship. The third part, titled Research Framework,
Empirical Research Methods and Results, consists of three parts: research methodology,
conceptual model design and empirical research results. Conclusion of the paper presents
research implications and the application of results, and also systematically and concisely
formulates and presents the most important research results.
The results of the paper show that there is a potential for social entrepreneurship in the
Republic of Croatia and that it is necessary to invest further in promotion and to educate
entrepreneurs on social entrepreneurship and its importance for the society.
društveno poduzetništvo
participativno upravljanje
uspješnost poslovanja
Keywords (english)
social entrepreneurship
participatory governance
business performance
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:192:771623
Promotion 2021
Study programme Title: Economics and Business Economics Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje ekonomija (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje ekonomija)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Economics and Business
Created on 2021-10-07 13:50:10