Title Utjecaj odrednica agencijskoga odnosa na razvoj poslovanja hrvatskih vinara
Title (english) Impact of agency relationship determinants on Business development of Croatian wine producers
Author Jana Katunar
Mentor Marija Kaštelan Mrak (mentor)
Mentor Danijela Sokolić (komentor)
Committee member Nenad Vretenar (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Visko Zaninović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Josip Gugić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Economics and Business Rijeka
Defense date and country 2019-10-21, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 658 - Business management, administration. Commercial organization 633/635 - Horticulture. Fruit growing. Viticulture. Gardening
Abstract U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji istražuje se odnos principala i agenta uz primjenu
agencijske teorije koja se prvenstveno veže uz odnos vlasnika i menadžera u
poduzeću. U novijoj znanstvenoj literaturi agencijski odnos je također promatran kao
odnos poduzeća u distribucijskom lancu. Agencijski troškovi, koji nastaju u ugovornom
odnosu partnera u distribucijskom lancu, uglavnom su promatrani sa stajališta kupca,
dok su u ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji promatrani pretežito sa stajališta proizvođača, kao
slabije ugovorne strane u vinskoj industriji.
Svrha provođenja ovog znanstvenog istraživanja je objediniti i produbiti spoznaje o
suvremenim ekonomskim odnosima među tržišnim akterima i istražiti odrednice
formiranja odnosa dviju ugovornih strana u distribucijskom lancu (proizvođača vina i
distributera) kako bi se utvrdilo da li proizvođač vina ima na raspolaganju mehanizme
kojima bi mogao utjecati na ponašanje distributera i na visinu agencijskih troškova.
Na osnovi teorijske podloge, iz prikupljenih stručnih i znanstvenih izvora,
konceptualiziran je istraživački model, postavljene su istraživačke hipoteze i izvedena
je njihova operacionalizacija. Prva faza istraživanja je bilo provođenje pilot istraživanja
radi testiranja postavljenih istraživačkih hipoteza, gdje je anketnim upitnikom
obuhvaćeno 27 proizvođača vina. Nakon provedenog pilot istraživanja proveden je
strukturirani intervju na uzorku od 124 proizvođača vina. Kako bi se dobio detaljni uvid
u stavove distributera, provedeni su strukturirani intervjui s tri renomirana distributera,
koji distribuiraju vina na području cijele Hrvatske te čine 20% tržišta, direktorom
prodaje hotelskog lanca i članom uprave trgovačkog lanca.
Nakon izračuna parametara deskriptivne statistike te prikaza korelacijske analize
između varijabli istraživačkog modela provedena je regresijska analiza. Regresijskom
analizom utjecaja proizvodne palete, količine proizvodnje, lepeze distribucije,
reputacije, osobne umreženosti i zapošljavanja specijalista ekonomista na visinu
agencijskih troškova te utjecaja visine agencijskih troškova na razvoj poslovanja
hrvatskih vinara testirane su postavljene hipoteze. Hipoteze, šira proizvodna paleta
utječe na visinu agencijskih troškova i osobna umreženost utječe na visinu agencijskih
troškova, odbačene su nakon provedbe korelacijske analize. Druga hipoteza, prema
kojoj količina proizvodnje utječe na visinu agencijskih troškova, je djelomično
prihvaćena, dok su ostale hipoteze potvrđene na razini statističke značajnosti od 5%.
Nakon procjene jednostrukih regresija i ispitivanja statističke signifikantnosti
procijenjenih koeficijenata, formiran je model višestruke linearne regresije, koji je
procijenjen OLS metodom i testiran i unutar regije Jadran i regije Kontinent. Formirani
model testiran je na heteroskedastičnost i multikolinearnost.
Rezultati istraživanja potvrđuju: da postoji agencijski odnos između proizvođača i
distributera vina u Republici Hrvatskoj; da visina agencijskih troškova varira ovisno o
regiji, odnosno da ostale ekonomske okolnosti utječu na visinu agencijskog troška
prihvatljivog za pojedine proizvođače; da unutar regija postoje razlike u obilježjima
poduzeća koji utječu na agencijski trošak; te da visina agencijskih troškova ima utjecaj
na razvoj poslovanja hrvatskih vinara.
Abstract (english) This doctoral dissertation investigates the relationship between the principal and an
agent by applying agency theory that is primarily focused on the relationship between
owners and managers in the company. In the recent scientific literature, agency
relationship has also been viewed as a relationship between partners in the distribution
chain. Agency costs incurred in the contractual relationship of the partners in the
distribution chain are mostly viewed from the customer's point of view, while in this
doctoral dissertation they will be mostly observed from the producer's perspective, as
the contracting party in the wine industry.
The purpose of conducting this research is to consolidate and deepen the
understanding of contemporary economic relations between market actors and to
explore the determinants of the relation formation between the two contracting parties
in the distribution chain (wine producers and distributors) as to determine whether wine
producers have mechanisms at their disposal that might have influence on a
distributor’s behaviour and the level of agency costs.
Based on the theoretical foundation collected from professional and scientific sources,
the research model has been conceptualized, research hypotheses formulated and
operationalized. The first phase of the research was to conduct a pilot survey to test
the hypotheses, with a survey of 27 wine producers. Following the pilot study, a
structured interview was conducted on a sample of 124 wine producers. In order to
gain an in-depth insight into the distributors’ viewpoints, structured interviews have
been conducted with three reputable Croatian distributors, who distribute wines
throughout Croatia and make up 20% of the market, the Sales Director of a hotel chain
and a board member of the Croatian retail chain.
After calculating the descriptive statistics parameters and presenting the correlation
analysis between the variables of the research model, a regression analysis has been
performed. The hypotheses were tested with the regression analysis of the impact of
the production range, production volume, distribution channel, reputation, personal
networking (social capital) and educated employer on the level of agency costs, as well
as the impact of agency costs on the development of Croatian winemakers' business.
Hypotheses, the product range influence at the level of agency costs and personal
networking influence at the level of agency costs, were discarded after correlation
analysis was conducted. The second hypothesis, according to which the production
volume influences the level of agency costs, was partially accepted while all other
hypotheses were confirmed at the level of statistical significance of 5%. After
estimating the single regressions and testing the statistical significance of the
estimated coefficients, a multiple linear regression model was formed, estimated by
the OLS method and tested both within Adriatic and Continental regions. The model
was also tested for heteroskedasticity and multicollinearity.
The results of the research confirm the following: there is an agency relationship
between wine producers and distributors in the Republic of Croatia; the amount of
agency costs varies by region, i.e. other circumstances affect the amount of agency
cost acceptable to individual wine producer; within regions there are differences in
factors (company characteristics) that affect agency costs; and the amount of agency
costs has an impact on the development of the business of Croatian wine producers.
agencijska teorija
vinska industrija
distribucijski lanac
nepotpuni ugovori
vertikalni sporazumi
Keywords (english)
agency theory
wine industry
distribution chain
incomplete contracts
vertical agreements
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:192:206208
Study programme Title: Economics and Business Economics Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje ekonomija (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje ekonomija)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Economics and Business
Created on 2019-12-10 13:56:02