Author Ivan Biškup
Mentor Vjekoslava Singer (mentor)
Committee member Sunčica Oberman Peterka (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Miroslav Rebernik (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Sanja Pfeifer (član povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek (Doctoral studies) Osijek
Defense date and country 2021-03-01, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Economics of Entrepreneurship
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 658 - Business management, administration. Commercial organization
Abstract U mnogim zemljama, mala i srednja poduzeća utemeljena na poduzetništvu čine generator
gospodarskog rasta i zapošljavanja, a u Europskoj uniji se njihov razvoj stavlja u središte
politika na najvišoj razini odlučivanja. Statistički pokazatelji kod nas ukazuju na izniman značaj
malih i srednjih poduzeća u gospodarskom razvoju, što je posebno izraženo kroz njihov udio u
ukupnom broju poduzeća, ukupnom broju zaposlenih, ukupnom prihodu, dobiti poduzeća i
izvozu. Unatoč tome, pokazatelji o gospodarskom rastu, kretanju zaposlenosti i nezaposlenosti
te konkurentnosti nacionalne ekonomije kod nas ukazuju na izražena varijabilna kretanja, a
posebno su nepovoljni u razdoblju od 2009. do 2017. godine. S obzirom na to, postavljaju se
istraživačka pitanja: Kako povećati ekonomsku efikasnost poslovanja malih i srednjih poduzeća
i njihov udio u stvaranju bruto domaćeg proizvoda? Mogu li naša mala i srednja poduzeća
predstavljati stvarni potencijal gospodarskog prosperiteta? U odgovoru na ova pitanja
provedena su teorijska i empirijska istraživanja koja su rezultirala određenim spoznajama o
mogućnostima i ograničenjima u procesu razvoja malih i srednjih poduzeća. Iz ovoga su
izvedene odgovarajuće preporuke za direktore i vlasnike malih i srednjih poduzeća kao i
kreatore javnih politika prema poduzetništvu. Te preporuke naglašavaju važnost obrazovanja i
strukturnih promjena u oblikovanju poduzetničke klime i regionalnog konteksta unutar kojeg
djeluju mala i srednja poduzeća, kao bitnih odrednica njihovog dinamičnijeg razvoja. Nakon
definiranja ciljeva i metodologije istraživanja, razrađena je struktura disertacije koju čini šest
1.Poduzetništvo, mala i srednja poduzeća i gospodarski rast u evolucijskom procesu
2. Povezanost između gospodarskog rasta i regionalnog razvoja
3. Važnost interakcije poduzetničke okoline i uvjeta poslovanja kao generatora gospodarskog
4. Poslovna izvrsnost, inovativnost i umrežavanje malih i srednjih poduzeća-ključ održanja u
globalnoj konkurentnosti
5. Empirijsko istraživanje o razvijenosti poduzetništva te malih i srednjih poduzeća regije
Sjeverozapadne Hrvatske na NUTS-2 razini
6. Zaključna razmatranja i pravci daljnjeg istraživanja
Abstract (english) In many countries, small and medium-sized enterprises based on entrepreneurship make a
generator of economic growth and employment, while in the European Union their
development is placed in the centre of politics on the highest level of decision making. Statistic
Indicators in Croatia show that SMEs play an important role in economic development,which
is particularly expressed through their share in the total number of enterprises, number of
employees, total income and profit of the companies and exports. Despite this fact, indicators
of economic growth,employment and unemployment trends as well as the competitiveness of
the national economy in Croatia point to distinct variable trends, especially unfavourable in
the period from 2009. to 2017. After taking all these facts into consideration, the following
research guestions arise: How to increase the economic efficiency of small and medium
enterprises and their share in the creation of the gross domestic product? Can our small and
medium enterprises represent the actual potential of economic prosperity? In answer to these
questions, some theoretical and empirical researches have been conducted, which resulted in
certain understandings about possibilities and contraints of development process of small and
medium enterprises. Corresponding recommendations both for managers and owners of small
and medium enterprises and for the creators of public policies for entrepreneurship have been
created. These recommendations emphasize the importance of education and structural
changes in the creation of entrepreneurial climate and regional context, within which small
and medium enterprises function, and which are the main determinants of their dynamic
development. After defining the goals and methodology of the research, the structure of
dissertation was developed, and is made of six chapters:
1.Entrepreneurship, small and medium enterprises and economic growth in an evolutionary
2.Relevance between the economic growth and regional development
3.The importance of interaction between entrepreneurial environment and conditions of
running business as generator of economic growth
4.Business excellence, innovativeness and networking of small and medium enterprises-key
to sustainability in global competitiveness
5.Empirical research on entrepreneurship development as well as of small and medium
enterprises in the NUTS-2 region Northwest Croatia
6. Key reviews and trends for further researches.
mogućnosti i ograničenja
mala i srednja poduzeća
Keywords (english)
Opportunities and Constraints
Small and Medium Enterprises
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:145:299523
Promotion 2021
Study programme Title: International inter-university postgraduate interdisciplinary doctoral program ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATIVENESS Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje ekonomija (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje ekonomija)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2021-05-04 11:08:03