Title Franjevačke knjižnice Slavonije – ishodišta hrvatskoga školskog knjižničarstva
Title (english) Franciscan libraries of Slawonia - the birthplaces of croatian school librarianship
Author Tamara Zadravec MBZ: 356812
Mentor Jasmina Lovrinčević (mentor) MBZ: 283440
Committee member Senada Dizdar (predsjednik povjerenstva) strani drzavljanin: Nije dostupno
Committee member Maja Lamza-Maronić (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 25303
Committee member Jasmina Lovrinčević (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 283440
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek (Doctoral studies) Osjek
Defense date and country 2016-02-01, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 02 - Librarianship
Abstract Školskom knjižničarstvu, prema znakovitom obuhvatu utjecaja na korisnike, zasigurno pripada značajno mjesto unutar profesije. Slijedom te činjenice za očekivati je da su znanstvenici i teoretičari struke uvelike uspjeli razriješiti oprjeke i predrasude koje su u prošlosti postojale, no unatoč tomu one su ipak uočljive i danas. Razlog je tomu, smatra se, izostanak jasnoga definiranja područja rada školskoga knjižničara odnosno školskoga knjižničarstva kao struke. Školski pak knjižničari zauzimaju svoje mjesto u odgojno-obrazovnom sustavu i upravo se zbog te činjenice naglašava važnost djelokruga njihova rada kao neizostavnoga odsječka kojim se pridonosi rastu i razvoju odgojno-obrazovne ustanove mnoštvom aktivnosti koje se u njoj provode. S obzirom na činjeničnu jedinstvenost školskoga knjižničarstva, potrebno je pronaći i utvrditi začetke i prave početke nastanka školskoga knjižničarstva, prije svega pomoću zbirki baštinskih franjevačkih samostana koje predstavljaju, u svim domenama, velik istraživački izazov. Franjevački je red svojim radom iznimno utjecao na školstvo, što potvrđuju inicijative otvaranja prvih škola kao i sustavno promicanje školstva. Sukladno navedenomu, franjevački su samostani svojevrstan fenomen zbog jedinstvenoga pristupa usmjerenog na poticanje i razvoj školstva, ali i na potrebu istraživanja značenja i uloge franjevačkih samostanskih zbirki. Disertacijom će se istražiti i utvrditi korijeni školskoga knjižničarstva analizom utjecaja knjižničnih zbirki baštinskih franjevačkih samostana na njegov razvoj, s naglaskom na ulogu, ustroj i povijesni razvoj samostana kao središta duhovnoga i obrazovnoga života određenoga kraja te neupitnu ulogu knjižnica i prvih knjižničara u njima. Taj se cilj svakako mora uzeti u obzir pri određenju pretpostavke istraživanja, stoga će istraživanje biti provedeno na relevantnoj literaturi franjevačkih samostanskih knjižnica i primjenom pripadajućih znanstvenih metoda. S obzirom na višeslojne mogućnosti istraživanja teme, rezultati koji će biti dobiveni svakako mogu poslužiti za dublju analizu rada knjižničnih zbirki baštinskih franjevačkih samostana kao ishodišta razvoja hrvatskoga školskog knjižničarstva.
Abstract (english) With regard to a symbolic encompassment of the influence exerted on its users, a promontory position within the profession indubitably belongs to the academic school-based librarianship. Therefore, it is expectable that the scientists and profession theoreticians have greatly succeeded in their finding the solutions to the oppositions and prejudices that had existed in the past but are still observable nowadays. It is opined that a reason therefor is the absence of a clear definition of the scope of activities of an academic school-based librarian, i.e., of the academic school-based librarianship as a profession. The academic school-based librarians occupy their position in an educational and teaching system, and the importance of their scope of activities as an inomissible segment that contributes to the development and growth of an educational and teaching institution through multiple activities implemented therein is emphasized exactly because of this fact. Concerning the factual uniqueness of an academic school-based librarianship, it is necessary to find out and establish the commencements and real initializations for the creation of an academic school-based librarianship, primarily via heritage-oriented Franciscan monastic collections, which represent a major research challenge in all domains. The Franciscan order has exerted a tremendous influence on the schooling system by its operation, what is circumstantiated by the initiatives to open the first schools, as well as by a systematic promotion of the schooling system. In that respect, the Franciscan monasteries are a sort of a phenomenon due to their exceptional approach directed toward a stimulation and advancement of the schooling system, as well as to a necessity to investigate the significance and role of the Franciscan monastic collections. The doctoral thesis will explore and establish the origins of academic school-based librarianship while analyzing the influence of heritage-oriented Franciscan monastic collections upon their development, with an emphasis laid on the role, organization, and historical advancement of monasteries as the centers of spiritual and educational life of an area and an unquestionable role of libraries and the first librarians therein. In any case, this objective has to be taken into account when stipulating the research hypotheses; therefore, the research will be conducted while perusing the relevant literature of the Franciscan monastic libraries and applying the correspondent scientific methods. At any rate, regarding the stratified possibilities to explore the topic, the results obtained may be further operationally 3 used for an in-depth analysis of library collections of the heritage- oriented Franciscan monasteries, as the sources of development of the Croatian academic school-based librarianship.
ishodište hrvatskoga školskog knjižničarstva
franjevačke knjižnice
školski knjižničari
uloga knjižnice
zbirke franjevačkih samostana
Keywords (english)
sources of the Croatian academic school-based librarianship
Franciscan libraries
academic school-based librarians
the role of a library
Franciscan monastery collections
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:236:970724
Promotion 2017-04-08
Study programme Title: University Postgraduate Interdisciplinary Doctoral Study Cultural Studies; specializations in: Culture, Art and Literature in the European context, Information and Communication in Culture, Management of Culture, Art and Education Course: Information and Communication in Culture Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, interdisciplinarna područja znanosti, odgovarajuće polje (doktor/doktorica znanosti, interdisciplinarna područja znanosti, odgovarajuće polje)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of Doctoral School, Josip Juraj University in Osijek
Created on 2018-09-12 11:47:41