Author Sanda Milošević
Mentor Irella Bogut (mentor)
Committee member Vesnica Mlinarević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek (Doctoral studies) Osjek
Defense date and country 2024-06-03, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE Cognitive Science (Natural, Technical, Biomedical and Healthcare, Social and Humanistic Sciences)
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 303 - Methods of the social sciences
Abstract Potreba za unaprjeđenjem STEM područja obrazovanja dovodi do osjećaja neodređenosti u
vezi prirode i konceptualizacije STEM obrazovanja, ne samo među edukatorima, nego i među drugim
sudionicima, uključujući učenike i kreatore odgojno-obrazovnih politika. Tema ovog istraživanja je
mogućnost postupnog uvođenja STEM obrazovanja u Republici Hrvatskoj i Bosni i Hercegovini
prema usporedbi sa zemljama koje su davno počele s njegovim realiziranjem. Kada se govori o
pedagoškim inovacijama, s pravom se postavlja pitanje njihova suštinskog značenja, je li ih moguće
uvoditi i kakve će učinke postići. Pojedini kreatori obrazovnih politika misle da uvođenje inovacija u
nastavi prati ogromno materijalno ulaganje, potpuna reorganizacija odgojno-obrazovnog sustava te
potpuno drugačije pripremanje nastavnog kadra. U ovom su radu izdvojene i obrađene inovacije u
nastavi koje su eksperimentalno provjerene i već su pokazale pozitivne učinke u obrazovnim
sustavima europskih zemalja i koje se mogu, bez iznimnih teškoća, postupno uvoditi i u obrazovne
sustave Republike Hrvatske i Bosne i Hercegovine. Preliminarno istraživanje uključivalo je primjenu
sljedećih znanstvenih metoda: metoda analize i sinteze teme STEM obrazovanja i obrazovanja koje
potiče rad s darovitim i talentiranim učenicima na primjerima dobre prakse uvođenja STEM područja
u zemljama Europske unije, anketiranje učenika i nastavnika u tri osnovne škole u Republici Hrvatskoj
(Split i Osijek) i Bosni i Hercegovini (Laktaši) i eksperimentalni dio (postupno uvođenje STEM
područja u osnovno obrazovanje na primjeru STEM kluba i Tima za talentirane i nadarene učenike u
OŠ „Mladen Stojanović“ Laktaši). Da bi se ostvarilo što potpunije uključivanje učenika i nastavnika
u STEM područje obrazovanja, u ovom radu se prikazuju teorije te praktične metode i oblici rada koji
kroz organiziranje izvannastavnih aktivnosti osiguravaju osnovne pretpostavke za njegovu provedbu
i odabir modela koji se mogu postupno uvoditi i u obrazovne sustave Republike Hrvatske i Bosne i
Hercegovine. Nakon preliminarnog istraživanja u istraživanje je uključeno jedanaest škola iz
Republike Hrvatske i jedanaest škola iz Bosne i Hercegovine. Uzorak nastavnika koji su sudjelovali
u anketiranju je 119 (sto devetnaest) iz Republike Hrvatske i 113 (sto trinaest) iz Bosne i Hercegovine,
uzorak učenika je 250 (dvije stotine pedeset) iz Republike Hrvatske i 274 (dvije stotine sedamdeset i
četiri) iz Bosne i Hercegovine. Uzorak roditelja BiH je 248 (dvije stotine četrdeset i osam). Roditelji
iz Republike Hrvatske nisu sudjelovali u istraživanju iako im je bilo ponuđeno.
Abstract (english) The need to improve the STEM field of education causes a feeling of uncertainty in relation
to the nature and conceptualisation of STEM education not only among educators, but also among the
other participants, including students and policymakers. The topic of this research is the possibility of
gradual introduction of STEM education in primary schools in comparison with the countries which
started implementing it long ago. When talking about pedagogical innovations, one can rightly
question their essential meaning, i.e. whether it is possible to introduce them and what effects they
will produce. Some education policymakers think that the introduction of innovations in teaching
requires huge financial investments, reorganisation of the entire education system and completely
different preparation of teaching staff. This study briefly addresses some teaching innovations which
have mainly been experimentally verified, which have already produced positive effects, and which
can be gradually introduced in our conditions as well, without any major difficulties. The preleminary
research used the following scientific methods: the method of analysis and synthesis of the topic of
STEM education and the education which encourages working with gifted and talented students, a
survey conducted among the students and teachers in three primary schools in the Republic of Croatia
(Split and Osijek) and Bosnia and Herzegovina (Laktaši), and the experimental part (gradual
introduction of the STEM field in primary education following the example of the STEM club and
the Team for Talented and Gifted Students in the Primary School ‘Mladen Stojanović’ Laktaši. In
order to achieve the most complete inclusion of students and teachers in the STEM field of education,
this paper presents theories and practical methods and forms of work that, through the organization of
extracurricular activities, provide the basic prerequisites for its implementation and the selection of
models that can be gradually introduced into the educational systems of the Republic of Croatia and
Bosnia and Herzegovina. After the preliminary research, eleven schools from the Republic of Croatia
and eleven schools from Bosnia and Herzegovina were included in the research. The sample of
teachers who participated in the survey is 119 (one hundred and nineteen) from the Republic of Croatia
and 113 (one hundred and thirteen) from Bosnia and Herzegovina, the sample of students is 250 (two
hundred and fifty) from the Republic of Croatia and 274 (two hundred and seventy-four) from Bosnia
and Herzegovina. The sample of BiH parents is 248 (two hundred and forty-eight). Parents from the
Republic of Croatia did not participate in the research even though it was offered to them.
STEM edukacija
promicanje talentiranih i nadarenih učenika
obrazovanje za znanstvenu i tehničku kompetenciju
učenje temeljeno na istraživanju
razvijanje identiteta STEM nastavnika
Keywords (english)
STEM education
promotion of talented and gifted students
education for scientific and technical competence
research-based learning
development of the identity of STEM teachers
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:236:453741
Promotion 2024
Study programme Title: University Postgraduate Interdisciplinary Doctoral Study Cultural Studies; specializations in: Culture, Art and Literature in the European context, Information and Communication in Culture, Management of Culture, Art and Education, Culture, Art and literature in the European context, Management in culture, Arts and Education Course: Culture, Art and Literature in the European context Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, interdisciplinarna područja znanosti, odgovarajuće polje (doktor/doktorica znanosti, interdisciplinarna područja znanosti, odgovarajuće polje)
Type of resource Text
Extent 240
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of Doctoral School, Josip Juraj University in Osijek
Created on 2024-07-10 07:35:33