Author Sanja Pešić
Mentor Jerko Glavaš (mentor)
Committee member Damir Šebo (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek (Doctoral studies) Osjek
Defense date and country 2024-04-08, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Interdisciplinary Social Sciences European Studies
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 314 - Demography. Migrations
Abstract Migracijski tokovi prisutni su među ljudima kroz povijest. Smjerovi gospodarskih migracija
oduvijek su definirani boljim životnim uvjetima, što je ujedno i činilo razliku među državama
svijeta te ih dijelilo na one koje privlače radnike i one koje ih gube. Trendovi su i danas isti. U
gotovo svim naprednijim gospodarskim granama dolazi do mogućnosti kretanja radne snage iz
jedne države u drugu u smjeru privlačnih i potisnih faktora. Zdravstveni sustav stoga nije
iznimka. Ulaskom Republike Hrvatske u članstvo Europske unije, priča oko migracija
zdravstvene radne snage, a posebice liječnika, intenzivirala se i dobila na velikom značaju.
Prisutnost Republike Hrvatske na zajedničkom tržištu Europske unije postala je izazov, više u
smislu zadržavanja radne snage nego privlačenja tuđe radne snage. Došlo je do odljeva
zdravstvene radne snage, posebice liječnika. Uzevši u obzir činjenice da godine koje slijede i
svijet u kojem živimo neće usporiti, tijek migracija zdravstvene radne snage u mjeri da one ne
postoje, nužno je sagledati koja je pozicija hrvatskog zdravstvenog sustava u odnosu na druge
zemlje članice Europske unije, koji je glavni problem nezadovoljstva liječnika i njihove nakane
za migracijama, koji su to potisni faktori koji utječu na migracije i što se može učiniti kako bi
se taj problem minimizirao.
Uvodno u disertaciji prikazani su opis problema istraživanja, svrha i ciljevi istraživanja, te
struktura rada i predviđeni znanstveni doprinos. U teorijskom dijelu disertacije daje se prikaz
politike slobode kretanja radnika u Europskoj uniji i raspravlja o problemu migriranja liječnika
na razini Europske unije i na razini Hrvatske, s posebnim naglaskom na efekt širenja Europske
unije na potencijalne migracije liječnika i njihovom utjecaju na zdravstvene sustave Europske
unije. Istraživački problem fokusiran je na dobivanje konkretnih pokazatelja o (e)migracijama
liječnika Republike Hrvatske, kao i njihovim razlozima. Također, pruža se usporedba s drugim
zemljama Europske unije vezano za isti problem.
Zatim se prikazuju radni uvjeti u zdravstvenim sustavima zemalja članica Europske unije.
Predstavljeni su pretpostavljeni uvjeti koje svaki zdravstveni sustav mora posjedovati kako bi
zaštitio svoje djelatnike, posebice liječnike, i omogućio im veće zadovoljstvo na radnom
mjestu, čime bi posljedično smanjio potencijalne migracije i negativne posljedice koje one
ostavljaju na zdravstveni sustav i pružanje zdravstvene skrbi. Prikazane su temeljne odrednice
za postizanje što boljih i kvalitetnijih radnih uvjeta, a poseban osvrt dan je na hrvatski
zdravstveni sustav.
Potom slijedi prikaz metodologije kojom je istraživanje provedeno kao i statističke metode koje
su korištene za obradu podataka. Također, definirane su sljedeće glavne hipoteze istraživanja
koje se ispituju.
H1: Sloboda kretanja radnika olakšava/potiče migracije mlađih liječnika bez specijalizacije ili
specijalista bez uže specijalizacije iz Republike Hrvatske u zemlje članice Europske unije.
H2: Liječnici su skloniji migriranju u zemlje članice Europske unije nego u treće zemlje.
H3: Migracije liječnika prema zemljama članicama Europske unije uvjetovane su
(ne)zadovoljstvom radnim i profesionalnim uvjetima te mogućnostima profesionalnog
H4: Postotak liječnika u Hrvatskoj koji su poduzeli korake oko preseljenja u drugu državu
članicu Europske Unije manji je od 10 %.
Dobiveni rezultati istraživanja daju detaljni pregled istraživačkog uzorka i rezultata istraživanja
po ključnim kategorijama ispitanika i prema ključnim smjerovima i istraživačkim pitanjima.
Konačno, u posljednjem poglavlju predstavlja se glavna rasprava vezana za provedeno
istraživanje u odnosu na dostupna istraživanja na razini Europske unije. Dolazi se do
potvrđivanja hipoteza H1, H2 i H3 dok hipoteza H4 nije potvrđena. Zbog cjelokupnog stanja
zdravstvenog sustava, kao i dobivenih rezultata istraživanja, u poglavlju se definira model za
ključne promjene u zdravstvenom sustavu na temelju kojih bi se postigla veća učinkovitost
sustava, smanjio financijski debalans i postigli bolji radni uvjeti za cjelokupnu zdravstvenu
radnu snagu, posebice promatranu skupinu – liječnike.
Zaključno, istraživanje pokazalo je da je 25 % ispitanika poduzelo korake oko preseljenja u
neku od zemalja članica Europske unije. Omjer vjerojatnosti za migracije liječnika u zemlje
članice Europske unije manji je s većim brojem godina ispitanika, većim zadovoljstvom
profesionalnim uvjetima i većim zadovoljstvom plaćom. Stoga je na razini države potrebno
definirati mjere koje su provedive i koje će brzo dovesti do stabilizacije zdravstvenog sustava,
a potom i poboljšanja, odnosno veće efikasnosti sustava.
Abstract (english) Migration flows are present among people throughout history. The directions of economic
migration have always been defined by better living conditions, which at the same time made
a difference between the countries of the world and divided them into those that attract workers
and those that lose them. The trends remain the same until today. In almost all advanced
economic branches, there is the possibility of labor force movement from one country to another
in the direction of attractive and repulsive factors. The healthcare system is therefore no
exception. With the accession of the Republic of Croatia to the membership of the European
Union, the story about the migration of the health workforce, especially health professionals,
intensified and gained great importance. The presence of the Republic of Croatia in the common
market of the European Union has become a challenge more in terms of how to retain the
workforce than how to attract foreign workforce. There has been an outflow of the health
workforce, especially health professionals. Taking into account the fact that the following years
and the world we live in will not slow down the migration of the health workforce, it is
necessary to look at the position of the Croatian health system in relation to other member states
of the European Union, find out which is the main problem of dissatisfaction of health
professionals, what are their their intentions to migrate, what are the push factors that affect
migration and what can be done to minimize this problem.
In the introduction, the dissertation presents a description of the research problem, the purpose
and goals of the research, as well as the structure of the work and the expected scientific
contribution. The theoretical part of the dissertation presents the policy of freedom of movement
of workers in the European Union and discusses the problem of migration of health
professionals at the level of the European Union and at the level of Croatia, with special
emphasis on the effect of the expansion of the European Union on the potential migration of
health professionals and their impact on the health systems of the European Union. The research
problem is focused on obtaining concrete indicators about the (e)migration of health
professionals in the Republic of Croatia, as well as their reasons. Also, a comparison is given
with other countries of the European Union regarding the same problem.
Working conditions in the health systems of the member states of the European Union are
presented as assumed conditions that each health system must possess in order to protect its
employees, especially health professionals, and enable them to be more satisfied in the
workplace are presented, which would consequently reduce potential migrations and the
negative consequences on the health system. The fundamental determinants for achieving the
best and highest quality working conditions are presented, and a special review is given to the
Croatian health system.
This is followed by a presentation of the methodology by which the research was conducted, as
well as the statistical methods used for data processing. Also, the following main research
hypotheses are defined as follows.
H1: Freedom of movement of workers facilitates/encourages the migration of younger health
professionals without specialization or specialists without narrow specialization from the
Republic of Croatia to Eropean Union member states.
H2: Health professionals are more inclined to migrate to European Union member states than
to third countries.
H3: Migration of health professionals towards the member states of the European Union is
conditioned by (dis)satisfaction with working and professional conditions and opportunities for
professional advancement.
H4:The percentage of health professionals in Croatia who have taken steps to move to another
European Union member state is less than 10%.
The obtained research results provide a detailed overview of the research sample and research
results by key categories of respondents and by key directions and research questions.
Finally, the last chapter presents the main discussion related to the conducted research in
relation to available research at the level of the European Union. Hypotheses H1, H2 and H3
are confirmed, but hypothesis H4 is not confirmed. Due to the overall state of health system as
well as the obtained research results this chapter defines a model for key changes in the
healthcare system, on the basis of which greater efficiency of the system would be achieved,
financial imbalances would be reduced and better working conditions would be achieved for
the entire healthcare workforce, especially the observed group – health professionals.
In conclusion, the research showed that 25% of respondents took steps to move to one of the
European Union member states. The probability ratio for the migration of health professionals
to the member states of the European Union is lower with a greater number of age of the
respondents, with greater satisfaction with professional conditions and with greater satisfaction
with salary. Therefore, at the state level, it is necessary to define measures that are
implementable and that will lead to the stabilization of the health system and then to the
improvement or greater efficiency of the system.
profesionalno napredovanje
sloboda kretanja radnika u Europskoj uniji
uvjeti rada
Keywords (english)
health professionals
professional advancement
freedom of movement of workers in the European Union
working conditions
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:236:658774
Promotion 2024
Study programme Title: University Postgraduate Interdisciplinary Doctoral Study European Studies Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, interdisciplinarna područja znanosti, odgovarajuće polje (doktor/doktorica znanosti, interdisciplinarna područja znanosti, odgovarajuće polje)
Type of resource Text
Extent 255
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of Doctoral School, Josip Juraj University in Osijek
Created on 2024-04-26 07:31:23