Title Sintetske, strukturne i stabilitetne studije u redu tireostatika metimazola
Title (english) Synthetic, structural and stability studies in the series of thyreostatic methimazole
Author Leo Štefan
Mentor Miljenko Dumić (mentor)
Committee member Nela Malatesti (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ernest Meštrović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Roberto Antolović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka (Faculty of Biotechnology and Drug Development) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2021-11-17, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Biotechnology
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 577 - Biochemistry. Molecular biology. Biophysics
Abstract U sklopu ove disertacije provedene su sintetske, strukturne i stabilitetne studije u redu
tireostatika metimazola (1). Primjenom kemo- i regioselektivnih kemijskih transformacija
pripremljene su nove, ali i neke poznate srodne supstancije metimazola, tj. njegova poznata ali
i nepoznata potencijalna onečišćenja. Posebno je studirana stabilnost metimazola u kloriranim
otapalima poput diklormetana i dikloretana, sveprisutnih u kemiji i farmaceutici. Dobiveni
premošteni bis metilenski i etilenski derivati su izolirani i strukturno karakterizirani, a
provedena je karakterizacija i transformacija njihovih čvrstih formi. U okviru toga poseban je
naglasak stavljen na utvrđivanje kemizma stvaranja 1,2-bis[(1-metil-1H-imidazol-2-il)tio]etana
(3a) koji uključuje pokušaj detekcije i izolacije možebitnog tiranijevog (episulfonijevog)
međuprodukta (8). Temeljem provedenih sintetskih, spektroskopskih, termalnih, difrakcijskih
i računalnih studija, uključujući i mjerenja kinetike, međuprodukt 8 nije pronađen već njegov
izomer 7-metil-2H,3H,7H-imidazol[2,1-b]tiazol-4-ijum klorid (7a), a prema našim saznanjima,
to je prvi poznati stabilni izomer tiiranijevih iona. Ujedno je utvrđeno da 3a nastaje direktno
nukleofilnom supstitucijom primarno stvorenog međuprodukta klor etil derivata, 2-
[(kloretil)tio]-1-metil-1H-imidazol, 6) s metimazolom.
Također su pripravljeni i karakterizirani oksidacijski i metilacijski derivati 1 te u kontekstu
poznatih onečišćenja metimazola B i C pripravljeni su i standardizirani njihovi uzorci.
U okviru predformulacijskih istraživanja provedena je studija stabilnosti 1 u čvrstom stanju, a
u prisutnosti odabranih pomoćnih tvari. Pritom je utvrđena visoka stabilnost 1 u planiranim
farmaceutskim formulacijama, ali su pronađeni i karakterizirani novi, dosad nepoznati, dimer i
trimer metimazola, kao njegova potencijalna onečišćenja. Ujedno je i predložen kemizam
njihova stvaranja.
Rezultati provedenog istraživanja upotpunjuju trenutne spoznaje o metimazolu (1) te daje
iscrpan uvid u svojstva njegovih strukturnih analoga, kao potencijalnih onečišćenja 1. To
pridonosi povećanju kakvoće, sigurnosti i učinkovitosti metimazola kao djelatne tvari tako i
njegovih finalnih doznih oblika.
Abstract (english) Within this dissertation, synthetic, structural and stability studies in the series thyrostatic
methimazole (1) were performed. By applying chemo- and regioselective chemical
transformations, new, but also some known related substances of methimazole were prepared,
ie. its known but also unknown potential impurities. In particular, the stability of methimazole
in chlorinated solvents such as dichloromethane and dichloroethane, ubiquitous in chemistry
and pharmaceuticals, has been studied. The obtained bridged bis methylene and ethylene
derivatives were isolated and structurally characterized, and the characterization and
transformation of their solid forms was performed. In this context, special emphasis is placed
on the chemistry of 1,2-bis [(1-methyl-1H-imidazol-2-yl) thio] ethane (3a) formation which
includes an attempt to detect and isolate a possible thiiranium (episulfonium) intermediate (8).
Based on the conducted synthetic, spectroscopic, thermal, diffraction and computational
studies, including kinetic measurements, intermediate 8 was not found but its isomer 7-methyl2H, 3H, 7H-imidazole [2,1-b] thiazol-4-ium chloride (7a) is to our knowledge the first known
stable isomer of thiiranium ions. It was also found that 3a was formed directly by nucleophilic
substitution of the primarily formed intermediate chlorine ethyl derivative, 2-[(chloroethyl)
thio]-1-methyl-1H-imidazole, 6) with methimazole.
Oxidation and methylation derivatives of 1 have also been prepared and characterized, and in
the context of known methimazole impurities B and C, samples have been prepared and
As part of the preformulation studies, a solid state study of 1 was performed in the presence of
selected excipients. High stability of 1 in the planned pharmaceutical formulations was
determined, but also a new unknown, dimer and trimer of methimazole were found and
characterized, as its potential impurities. At the same time, the chemistry of their formation was
The results of the study complements the current knowledge about methimazole (1) which
provides a comprehensive insight into the properties of its structural analogues, as potential
impurities. This contributes to increasing the quality, safety and efficacy of both methimazole
and its final dosage forms.
srodne tvari metimazola
1-b]tiazol-4-ijum klorid
tiiranijev ion
čvrste forme
rentgenska strukturna analiza
predformulacijska istraživanja
Keywords (english)
methimazole related substances
2-bis [(1-methyl1H-imidazol-2-yl)thio]ethane
7H-imidazole [2
1-b] thiazole -4-ium chloride
thiiranium ion
solid forms
X-ray structural analysis
preformulation studies
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:193:571156
Promotion 2023
Study programme Title: Medicinal chemistry Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, interdisciplinarna područja znanosti, polje biotehnologija u biomedicini (doktor/doktorica znanosti, interdisciplinarna područja znanosti, polje biotehnologija u biomedicini)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Biotechnology and Drug Development
Created on 2023-02-08 09:49:03