Title Kvalitativna i kvantitativna karakterizacija fenolnih komponenti u uljnim i vodenim ekstraktima hrvatskih propolisa metodama masene spektrometrije
Author Lara Saftić
Mentor Sandra Kraljević Pavelić (mentor)
Committee member Mirela Sedić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Karlo Wittine (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Verica Dragović-Uzelac (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka (Faculty of Biotechnology and Drug Development) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2018-10, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Biotechnology Molecular Biotechnology
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 577 - Biochemistry. Molecular biology. Biophysics
Abstract Propolis je kompleksni biološki materijal koji sadrži uglavnom biljne smole i voskove, te manjim dijelom biljne sekundarne metabolite fenole. Upravo su fenoli zaslužni za širok spektar pozitivnih učinaka propolisa na ljudsko zdravlje, pa se kao aktivne supstancije u ekstraktima koriste u različitim proizvodima od propolisa. Međutim, odabir metode ekstrakcije koja će osigurati najbolji prinos fenolnih komponenti, a ujedno biti sigurna za ljudsku upotrebu, i dalje predstavlja izazov. Stoga su u ovom radu analizirani različiti ekstrakti propolisa dobiveni uz pomoć ekološki prihvatljivih otapala, vode i ulja. Nadalje su, kemometrijskom analizom, određeni optimalni uvjeti za izolaciju svakog pojedinog fenola u ekstraktu. U procesu razvoja i proizvodnje medicinskih proizvoda koji se temelje na ekstraktima propolisa, važno je i pitanje odabira sirovine i standardizacije finalnog proizvoda, koji se obično provode nakon potpune karakterizacije početnih sirovina ili prema odabranoj bioaktivnoj komponenti. U tu svrhu u ovom su radu razvijene selektivna i neselektivna analiza propolisnih ekstrakata uz pomoć analitičkih uređaja visoke osjetljivosti, masenih spektrometara. Za kvantitativnu analizu korištena je tekućinska kromatografija spregnuta s trostrukim kvadrupolom (LC-QQQ), dok su za neselektivno profiliranje korištene direktna elektrosprej ionizacija spregnuta s kvadrupolom i detektorom koji mjeri vrijeme preleta iona (ESI-QTOF) i tekućinska kromatografija spregnuta s QTOF detektorom (LC-QTOF). Kvantitativno i kvalitativno je identificirano i analizirano 56 uzoraka propolisa s područja Republike Hrvatske. Rezultati su pokazali kako se na području Republike Hrvatske ne nalazi samo jedan očekivani tip propolisa, tzv. europski poplar propolis. Metoda analize glavnih komponenti (PCA) i diskriminantna analiza metodom najmanjih kvadrata (PLS-DA) pokazale su kako se u primorskom području, posebno na obali i otocima, poplar propolis preklapa s mediteranskim propolisom. U svrhu brzog određivanja vrste propolisa, metoda ESI-QTOF bila je najbolja, dok je za ukupno profiliranje i identifikaciju fenolnih komponenti specifičnih za hrvatski propolis, kao i za komponente specifične za svaku regiju pojedinačno, optimalna bila metoda LC-QTOF. Naposljetku su odabranim protokolima ekstrakcije pripremljeni ekstrakti dvaju različitih vrsta propolisa s područja Republike Hrvatske. Rezultati su pokazali značajne razlike u fenolnim frakcijama dobivenih ekstrakata, odnosno veliku raznolikost analiziranih uzoraka propolisa. Ovaj rad predstavlja doprinos standardizaciji postupaka i proizvodnje proizvoda od propolisa.
Abstract (english) Propolis is a complex biological matrix whose composition consists mostly of plant resins and waxes, and in a small fraction of herbal secondary metabolites, phenols. Phenols are responsible for a wide range of positive effects on human health and are used as active components in various medical products as extracts. However, selection of an extraction method that would provide high yield of phenolic components, but would also be safe for human use, remains a big challenge. Therefore, various water- and oil-based propolis extracts were analyzed herein. Optimal conditions for isolation of each of the phenols in the extracts were determined by chemometric data processing. In the process of development and manufacturing of propolis-based products, selection of appropriate raw materials and standardization of the final products are crucial elements. This can be secured only upon complete characterization of the initial raw material. For this purpose, selective and non-selective analysis of propolis extracts on mass spectrometry-based instruments were developed. For quantitative analysis, liquid chromatography coupled to triple quadrupole (LC-QQQ) was used, whereas for qualitative non-selective profiling, direct flow injection electrospray coupled to quadrupole time-of-flight (ESI-QTOF) and liquid chromatography coupled to QTOF (LC-QTOF) were employed. A total of 56 samples of propolis from the Republic of Croatia were qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed. The results showed that, contrary to expectations, the European poplar type is not the only type of propolis in the Republic of Croatia. Principal component analysis (PCA) and partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) have shown that the poplar type overlaps with the Mediterranean type on the Croatian coast, especially on the islands. For quick determination of the type of propolis, ESI-QTOF method was a method of choice, while LC-QTOF method was a method of choice for total profiling and identification of phenolic components specific for Croatian propolis and components specific for each Croatian region. At last, the most successful water- and oil-based extraction procedures were selected, and extracts of the two types of propolis were prepared using these procedures. The results point to significant differences in the phenolic fractions of the obtained extracts. This research showed that propolis samples from the Republic of Croatia substantially differ in the phenolic composition which pinpoints the importance of appropriate extraction method development with respect to the wanted extract compisition and biological effect. Taken as a whole, this study represents a contribution towards resolving the problem of standardization of propolis-based products.
optimizacija ekstrakcije
Keywords (english)
extraction optimization
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:193:991797
Promotion 2018-10-15
Study programme Title: Medicinal chemistry Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, interdisciplinarna područja znanosti, polje biotehnologija u biomedicini (doktor/doktorica znanosti, interdisciplinarna područja znanosti, polje biotehnologija u biomedicini)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Biotechnology and Drug Development
Created on 2018-10-18 07:30:18