Title Utjecaj rizobakterije Azospirillum brasilense na vegetativni rast i mineralni sastav listova podloga trešnje i sorte Lapins
Title (english) The influence of rhizobacterium Azospirillum brasilense on cherry rootstock and cv. Lapins vegetative growth and leaf mineral composition
Author Šimun Kolega
Mentor Goran Fruk (mentor)
Mentor Tomislav Kos (mentor)
Committee member Boris Duralija (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mihaela Blažinkov (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Šime Marcelić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture Zagreb
Defense date and country 2024-09-25, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Agronomy
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 633/635 - Horticulture. Fruit growing. Viticulture. Gardening 631/632 - Agriculture. Plant diseases. Plant protection
Abstract Trešnja (Prunus avium L.) značajna je voćna vrsta za potrošnju u svježem stanju. Najviše se uzgaja u područjima umjerenog klimata, te zbog ranijeg dozrijevanja i tehnologija uzgoja postiže relativno visoke cijene na tržištu. U intenzivnom uzgoju trešnje nove tehnologije usmjerene su na povećanje uroda i kvalitete plodova uz očuvanje zdravstvenog stanja stabala, čemu pridonosi i odabir podloga optimalne bujnosti. Sainte Lucie (SL) 64, MaxMa 14 i Gisela 5 jesu podloge manje bujnosti od sjemenjaka trešnje (P. avium), kompatibilne s velikim brojem sorti trešanja koje pokazuju dobra svojstva na različitim tipovima tla. Navedene su podloge kompatibilne sa sortom trešnje Lapins, koja je intenzivno proučavana sorta zbog svojih povoljnih svojstava kao što su sposobnost samooplodnje, rani ulazak u rod, te visoka i redovita rodnost. Rizobakterije koje potiču rast biljaka (engl. Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria) izravno ili neizravno utječu na razvoj biljke domaćina fiksacijom dušika, topljivošću teže dostupnih spojeva fosfata, sintezom fitohormona i sekundarnih metabolita, čime se povećava otpornost biljke domaćina na stresne čimbenike okoliša i prisutnost fitopatogenih mikroorganizama. Rizobakterija Azospirillum brasilense pripada skupini korisnih mikroorganizama koja asocijativno nastanjuje zonu korijenova sustava biljke domaćina, pozitivno pridonosi rastu i razvoju biljke. Današnju proizvodnju prati niz izazova s kojima se poljoprivrednici suočavaju. U voćarsku proizvodnu praksu uvode se nova rješenja s ciljem smanjenog korištenja konvencionalnih metoda gnojidbe i zaštite. Utjecaj A. brasilense na Prunus vrste do danas je nedovoljno istražen. Ciljevi ovog rada bili su utvrditi količinu mineralnih tvari u supstratu i lišću podloga SL 64, MaxMa 14 i Gisela 5, te sorte Lapins zbog primjene A. brasilense, te utvrditi vegetativnu aktivnost podloga i sorte Lapins zbog primjene A. brasilense. Poljski pokus proveden je 2022. godine na lokalitetu Poljana (otok Ugljan) na komercijalno uzgojenim jednogodišnjim sadnicama triju podloga i okulantima sorte Lapins u kontejnerima volumena 12 litara koji su bili raspoređeni po slučajnome bloknom rasporedu s trima ponavljanjima i 15 sadnica po ponavljanju za svaku podlogu. Mikrobiološki inokulat AZOS® koji sadrži rizobakteriju A. brasilense u koncentraciji od 106 CFU g-1 dodavan je 0,8 g L-1 jedanput mjesečno (T1) i 0,8 g L-1 svaki drugi mjesec (T2) u ujednačenim vremenskim intervalima, dok su istovremeno biljke u kontroli (T0) zalijevane kišnicom. Kao čimbenici vegetativne aktivnosti u obzir su uzeti visina biljke, površina poprečnog presjeka debla sadnice (engl. TCSA) i indeks sadržaja klorofila listova (engl. CCI). Osim toga, tijekom vegetacije u četiri roka bilježeni su vegetativni rast mladica, broj njihovih internodija i prosječna duljina internodija. Uzorci su listova krajem srpnja prikupljeni sa središnjeg dijela mladice i analizirani, a uzorci supstrata prikupljeni su u rujnu. Za određivanje fizikalno-kemijskih svojstava supstrata i mineralnog sastava listova korištene su sljedeće metode: u supstratu su određene vrijednosti pH, EC i % soli, a u listu suha tvar. Količina dušika određena je metodom po Kjeldahlu, a nakon digestije s HNO3 i HClO4 količina fosfora određena je spektrofotometrijski, kalija plamenfotometrijski, a kalcija i magnezija s pomoću atomskoga apsorpcijskog spektrometra. Rezultati su obrađeni dvofaktorskom analizom varijance te je proveden Tukeyjev post hoc test. Na temelju dobivenih rezultata istraživanja može se zaključiti kako je zalijevanje podloga inokulatom utjecalo na indeks sadržaja klorofila, te duljinu mladice i duljinu internodija u prvom mjerenju. Nadalje, u okulantima sorte Lapins zabilježen je utjecaj bakterije na CCI, prosječnu duljinu internodija, sadržaj amonijaka, mineralnog dušika i kalcija u supstratu, te sadržaj dušika i magnezija u listovima. U istraživanju je uočen i utjecaj podloge na mjerene vegetativne karakteristike, svojstva supstrata te mineralni sastav listova u sadnicama podloga i okulanata. Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazuju da je inokulacija A. brasilense polučila efekt na vrijednosti sadržaja klorofila i dušika u listovima, te da se rizobakterija preporučuje rabiti kao nadopuna anorganskim ili organskim gnojivima u dobivanju kvalitetnoga sadnog materijala. Očekivani znanstveni doprinos očituje se u novim spoznajama o efektima inokulacije A. brasilense na vegetativnu aktivnost višegodišnjih vrsta iz roda Prunus, te o njezinu utjecaju na količinu mineralnih tvari u inokuliranom supstratu i biljkama.
Abstract (english) Sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) is a valuable fruit crop for fresh consumption. It is mostly grown in areas with a moderate climate, and due to earlier ripening and cultivation technologies it achieves relatively high prices on the market. In intensive cherry production, new technologies are focusing on increasing fruit yield and quality while preserving the tree health which is also helped by the selection of rootstocks with optimal vigour. Rootstocks that are less vigorous than cherry seedlings, compatible with a large number of sweet cherry varieties and show good properties on different soil types are Sainte Lucie (SL) 64, MaxMa 14 and Gisela 5. These rootstocks are compatible with Lapins, self-fertile, highly productive and precocious fruiting cultivar. Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria directly or indirectly affect the development of the plant by fixing nitrogen, solubilizing phosphates, synthesizing plant hormones and secondary metabolites, which increases plant resistance to environmental stress factors and the presence of phytopathogenic microorganisms. Rhizobacterium Azospirillum brasilense belongs to the group of beneficial microorganisms and associatively inhabits the plant rhizosphere. With its abilities positively contributes to the growth and development of the host plant. Nowadays, production is accompanied by a series of challenges that farmers face. New solutions are introduced in fruit production practices with the aim of reducing the use of conventional fertilization and plant protection methods. The influence of A. brasilense on Prunus spp. has been insufficiently investigated to date. Goals of this research were to determine the amount of macro elements in the substrate and leaves of three rootstocks and cv. Lapins due to the application of A. brasilense, and to determine the vegetative activity of the rootstocks and cv. Lapins due to the application of A. brasilense. The field experiment was carried out in 2022 in Poljana (the island of Ugljan) on commercially grown one-year-old maiden trees of three rootstocks and maidens of cv. Lapins in 12-liter containers that were arranged in a randomized block design with 3 replicates and 15 plants per replicate for each rootstock. Microbial inoculum AZOS® containing A. brasilense in a concentration of 106 CFU g-1 was added by watering the plants in the amount of 0 g L-1 (control plants - T0), 0.8 g L-1 once a month (T1) and 0.8 g L-1 every other month (T2) at regular time intervals. Plant height, trunk cross-sectional area and leaf chlorophyll content index (CCI) were taken into account as factors of vegetative activity. In addition, shoot growth of maiden trees, number of their internodes and the average length of internodes were noted four times during the growing season. Leaf samples were collected in the end of July from the central part of the shoot and analysed in the laboratory while substrate samples were collected in September. pH, EC and % of salt were determined in substrate, and dry matter content in leaves. Moreover, following methods were used to determine chemical properties of substrate and leaf mineral composition: mineral nitrogen content was determined by the Kjeldahl method, and after digestion with HNO3 and HClO4, the amount of phosphorus as P2O5 was determined spectrophotometrically, potassium as K2O by flame photometry, and calcium and magnesium with an atomic absorption spectrometer. Based on the obtained research results, it can be concluded that watering the plants with the inoculum affected CCI, as well as shoot length and internode length in the first measurement. Furthermore, in cv. Lapins the effect of bacteria was recorded on CCI, average length of internodes, content of ammonia, mineral nitrogen and calcium in the substrate, and nitrogen and magnesium content in the leaves. In this research, rootstock influenced the measured vegetative characteristics, substrate properties and leaf mineral composition in rootstocks and cv. Lapins maidens. Results of this research show that inoculation of A. brasilense had an effect on leaf chlorophyll values and nitrogen content and that A. brasilense can be used as a supplement to inorganic or organic fertilizers in obtaining quality planting material. Expected scientific contribution is manifested in new knowledge about the effects of A. brasilense inoculation on the vegetative activity of perennial species from the Prunus spp. and the influence of inoculation on mineral composition in plants.
Gisela 5
indeks sadržaja klorofila
MaxMa 14
poprečni presjek debla
SL 64
Keywords (english)
bud graft
Gisela 5
macro elements
MaxMa 14
SL 64
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:204:085440
Promotion 2024
Study programme Title: Agricultural Sciences Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biotehničkih znanosti, polje poljoprivreda (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biotehničkih znanosti, polje poljoprivreda)
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Created on 2024-12-04 11:26:36