Title Utjecaj upravljanja pasminskom strukturom na dohodovnost mliječnih govedarskih farmi
Title (english) The effect of breed management on dairy cattle farm profitability
Author Mato Čačić
Mentor Zoran Grgić (mentor)
Mentor Ante Ivanković (mentor)
Committee member Branka Šakić Bobić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Miljenko Konjačić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Josip Juračak (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Vesna Očić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture Zagreb
Defense date and country 2024-07-04, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Agronomy Animal Husbandry
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 636/637 - Animal husbandry and breeding. Produce of domestic animals and game 631/632 - Agriculture. Plant diseases. Plant protection
Abstract Pronalaženje modela za poboljšanje proizvodnje je kontinuiran proces u cilju
osiguravanja stabilne i dugoročne proizvodnje mlijeka. Povećanje proizvodnje mlijeka po
kravi rezultira potrebom za manjim brojem krava, a što za posljedicu ima deficit teladi za
tov. Telad mliječnih pasmina koja neće biti korištena u remontu stada osim kao tovna telad
nema značajnu ekonomsku vrijednost. Posljednjih desetljeća povećava se interes za
tehnologijom križanja mliječnih krava s bikovima mesnih pasmina u cilju osiguravanja teladi
s poželjnijim tovnim svojstvima i ujedno i veće prodajne cijene.
Od 1717 upravitelja mliječnih farmi utvrđeno je da je samo 22,89% upravitelja
dovoljno upoznato s tehnologijom križanja mliječnih krava i bikova mesnih pasmina te je
potvrđena hipoteza o nepoznavanju tehnologije od strane upravitelja mliječnih farmi. Zbog
nepoznavanja ili raspolaganja pogrešnim informacijama, samo 9,4% upravitelja je izjavilo
spremnost na primjenu programa križanja. 15,8% upravitelja je primijenilo tehnologiju
križanja od kojih 44,5% smatra da križanje može doprinijeti profitabilnosti mliječne farme. Iz
rezultata istraživanja se zaključuje da postoji velika potreba za edukacijom upravitelja
mliječnih farmi iz područja tehnologije križanja.
Mogućnost primjene tehnologije križanja istražena je stopom remonta s hipotezom
da je moguće križati do 30% holštajn krava u stadu. Hipoteza nije potvrđena zbog utvrđene
visoke stope remonta (44,64%) i slabe plodnost (67,4% - 69,6%) te udjela ženske teladi
zadržane u uzgoju u odnosu na broj oteljenih krava (45,1% - 46%). Križanje do 30% krava
u stadu holštajn farmi je moguće samo uz primjenu oplodnje krava seksiranim holštajn
sjemenom u svrhu osiguravanja dostatnog ženskog remontnog pomlatka. Ekonomska
opravdanost primjene tehnologije križanja na 30% matičnog stada krava holštajn farmi
potvrđena je analizama ekonomskih pokazatelja poslovanja farmi dobivenih anketom u 44
holštajn farmi. Ekonomski pokazatelji su potvrdili pozitivan doprinos primjene križanja
uspješnijem poslovanju holštajn farmi, s time da je doprinos bio značajniji u farmama s
manjim brojem krava i nižom proizvodnjom mlijeka po kravi.
Utjecaj pasminske strukture i veličine mliječnih stada na laktacijski prihod analiziran
je pomoću 386.916 standardnih laktacija (305 dana) farmi koje uzgajaju samo holštajn,
samo simentalsku i koje uzgajaju ove dvije pasmine (dvopasminske farme). Holštajn krave
u holštajn farmama imale su veću proizvodnju mlijeka (936,2 kg), mliječne masti i proteina
u odnosu na holštajn krave u dvopasminskim farmama, te posljedično i veći prosječni
laktacijski prihod od 1.772,75 HRK. Simentalske krave u simentalskim farmama proizvode
manju količinu mlijeka (473,7 kg), mliječne masti i proteina u odnosu na simentalske krave
u dvopasminskim farmama i posljedično simentalke u dvopasminskim farmama ostvaruju
veći prosječni laktacijski prihod od 1.055,31 HRK. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju da holštajn
krave imaju bolja, a simentalske lošija svojstva mliječnosti u jednopasminskim farmama, te
posljedično holštajn krave ostvaruju veću, a simentalske manji laktacijski prihod u
jednopasminskim stadima. Veličina farme ima veliki utjecaj na svojstva mliječnosti,
vjerojatno jer se proizvodnja mlijeka na farmama s većim brojem krava provodi na višoj
razini tehnologije i menadžmenta, stoga krave na većim farmama imaju poželjnija svojstava
mliječnosti. Hipoteza da pasminska struktura i veličina stada farmi utječe na svojstva
mliječnosti i laktacijski prihod mliječnih krava je potvrđena.
Istražen je i utjecaj spola teleta na svojstva mliječnosti holštajn i simentalskih krava.
Analiza je pokazala da su krave koje su otelile žensku telad u prvoj laktaciji imale veću
mliječnost (p<0,0001), ali nešto manji udio mliječne masti i proteina (p<0,01). Utvrđen je i
pozitivan utjecaj ženskog teleta na mliječnost u drugoj laktaciji (p<0,0001). Potvrđena je
hipoteza da je upravljanjem spolom teladi moguće povećati proizvodnju mlijeka i laktacijski
prihod mliječnih krava. Krave obje istražene pasmine koje su u prvoj bređosti otelile žensku
telad su imala bolja svojstva mliječnosti i posljedično veći laktacijski prihod.
Abstract (english) Finding models to improve production is a continuous process in order to secure
stable and long-term milk production. The increase in milk production per cow results in the
need for fewer cows, and consequently in a shortage of calves for fattening. Calves of dairy
breeds that will not be used for the replacement of the herd, except as fattening calves,
have no significant economic value. In recent decades, there has been an increasing
interest in the technology of crossing dairy cows with bulls of meat breeds to ensure calves
with more desirable fattening properties and higher selling prices.
Out of 1,717 managers of dairy farms, it was determined that only 22,89% of
managers were familiar enough with the technology of crossing dairy cows with bulls of
meat breeds, and the hypothesis of lack of knowledge about the technology among dairy
farm managers was confirmed.
Due to a lack of knowledge or wrong information, only 9.4% of managers stated their
willingness to implement the crossbreeding program. 15.8% of managers applied
crossbreeding technology, of which 44.5% believe that crossbreeding can contribute to the
profitability of the dairy farm. From the obtained results, it is concluded that there is a great
need for the education of managers of dairy farms in the field of crossbreeding technology.
The possibility of applying the crossbreeding technology was investigated by the
replacement rate with the hypothesis that it is possible to crossbreed up to 30% of Holstein
cows in the herd. The hypothesis was not confirmed due to the determined high
replacement rate (44.64%), low fertility (67.4% - 69.6%), and the share of female calves
kept in breeding compared to the number of calved cows (45.1% - 46%). Crossbreeding of
up to 30% of cows in the herd of Holstein farms is possible only with the application of
artificial insemination of cows with sexed Holstein semen to ensure sufficient female
replacement offspring. The economic validity of the application of crossbreeding technology
on 30% of the maternal herd of cows on Holstein farms was confirmed by analyses of
economic indicators of farm operations obtained from a survey in 44 Holstein farms.
Economic indicators confirmed the positive contribution of the application of crossbreeding
to the successful business of Holstein farms, with the fact that the contribution was more
significant in farms with a smaller number of cows and lower milk production per cow. The
influence of breed structure and size of dairy herds on lactation income was analyzed using
386,916 standard lactation (305 days) of Holstein-only, Simmental-only farms, and farms
with these two breeds (dual-breed farms). Holstein cows in Holstein farms had a higher
production of milk (936.2 kg), milk fat and protein compared to Holstein cows in two-breed
farms, and consequently, a higher average lactation income of HRK 1,772.75. Simmental
cows in Simmental farms produce a smaller amount of milk (473.7 kg), milk fat and protein
compared to Simmental cows in dual-breed farms, and consequently Simmental cows in
two-breed farms achieve a higher average lactation income of HRK 1,055.31. The results
indicate that Holstein cows have better, and Simmental cows have lower milk yield
properties in single-breed farms, and consequently, Holstein cows achieve higher and
Simmental cows lower lactation income in single-breed herds. The size of the farm has a
great influence on milk yield properties, probably because milk production on farms with a
larger number of cows is carried out at a higher level of technology and management,
therefore cows on larger farms have more desirable milk yield properties. The hypothesis
that the breed structure and herd size of farms affect the milk yield and lactation income of
dairy cows was confirmed.
The influence of calf gender on milk yield properties of Holstein and Simmental cows
was also investigated. The analysis showed that cows that gave birth to female calves in
the first lactation had higher milk yield (p<0.0001), but a slightly lower proportion of milk fat
and protein (p<0.01). A positive influence of the female calf on milk yield in the second
lactation was also determined (p<0.0001). The hypothesis that by managing the gender of
calves it is possible to increase milk production and lactation income of dairy cows was
confirmed. Cows of both researched breeds that gave birth to female calves in their first
pregnancy had better milk yield properties and consequently, higher lactation income.
mliječne farme
pasminska struktura
veličina stada: utjecaj spola teleta
proizvodnja mlijeka
laktacijski prihod
Keywords (english)
dairy farms
breed structure
herd size
influence of calf sex
milk production
lactation income
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:204:393228
Promotion 2024
Study programme Title: Agricultural Sciences Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biotehničkih znanosti, polje poljoprivreda (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biotehničkih znanosti, polje poljoprivreda)
Catalog URL
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Public note Član povjerenstva: prof. dr. sc. Stane Kavčić, Univerza v Ljubljani Biotehniška fakulteta
Repository Repository Faculty of Agriculture University of Zagreb
Created on 2024-10-24 07:36:49