Title Učinak ekstrakata koprive (Urtica dioica L.) na vegetativni rast, sastavnice prinosa i kemijski sastav graha mahunara (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
Title (english) The effect of nettle extracts (Urtica dioica L.) on vegetative growth, yield components and chemical composition of green beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
Author Branka Maričić
Mentor Sanja Radman (mentor)
Mentor Smiljana Goreta Ban (komentor)
Committee member Sanja Fabek Uher (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Igor Palčić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Zoran Zorić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-06-18, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Agronomy Vegetable Growing
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 633/635 - Horticulture. Fruit growing. Viticulture. Gardening
Abstract Jedan od izazova u suvremenoj poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji je proizvodnja hrane sa svrhom zadovoljenja potreba rastuće populacije bez ugrožavanja prirodnih resursa. Osim mineralnih gnojiva sve se više istražuju alternative u vidu organskih gnojiva, s ciljem povećanja prinosa te nutritivne vrijednosti poljoprivrednih kultura. Najčešće primjenjivana organska gnojiva su stajski gnoj, dehidrirana organska gnojiva i kompost, a uz njih učestalo se primjenjuju i botanički pripravci (biljni vodeni ekstrakti) od samoniklih i/ili ljekovitih biljaka koji mogu stimulativno djelovati na rast i razvoj biljaka te jačanje njihove otpornosti na abiotički i biotički stres. Glavni nedostatak ovih ekoloških pripravaka je neprovjeren i promjenjiv kemijski sastav, slabija djelotvornost i kraće razdoblje djelovanja. Ovisno o biljnoj vrsti pripravci od ljekovitih biljaka primjenjuju se kao gnojivo (bio-gnojivo) ili mogu djelovati protiv uzročnika bolesti te štetnika (bio-pesticidi). Kopriva (Urtica dioica L.) je široko rasprostranjena samonikla i lako dostupna ljekovita vrsta, a može se uzgajati i kao kultivirana što predstavlja veliki potencijal ove vrste za izradu vodenih ekstrakata. Od davnina je poznato da se kao bio-insekticid primijenjuje krakotrajni ekstrakt koprive, dok dugotrajni ekstrakt ima gnojidbeni učinak. Nema znanstvenih istraživanja o učincima katkotrajnog vodenog ekstrakta kao gnojiva.
Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio utvrditi utjecaj primjene dugog i kratkog vodenog ekstrakta koprive na kemijski sastav, pokazatelje vegetativnog rasta i prinos graha mahunara (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) u poljskom pokusu na dvije klimatski i pedološki različite lokacije (Zadar i Poreč) te u dva roka uzgoja (proljeće i jesen). Kratki ekstrakt (KE) je pripremljen ekstrakcijom suhe herbe (183 g/10 L vode) u vodi 24 sata, a dugi ekstrakt (DE) u istom omjeru s vodom ekstrakcijom tijekom 14 dana. Oba ekstrakta su razrijeđena prije upotrebe u omjeru 1:3, pri čemu se KE koristio folijarno, a DE zalijevanjem putem tla. Pokus je bio postavljen po slučajnom bloknom rasporedu u četiri ponavljanja. Navedeni tretmani su se provodili na pokusnim parcelama u jednom, dva ili tri tretiranja graha mahunara tijekom vegetacije, te uspoređivali s parcelama gnojenim s dušičnim mineralnim gnojivom urea (46% N) i kontrolnim varijantama bez primjene gnojiva.
Utjecaj gnojidbenih tretmana bio je promjenjiv u odnosu na lokaciju i rok uzgoja. Svi vegetativni pokazatelji te prinos, zatim ukupni fenoli, antioksidacijska aktivnost te količina minerala (P, K, S i Mn) u grahu mahunaru bili su značajno veći na lokaciji Poreč, kao rezultat početnih viših vrijednosti nekih svojstava plodnost tla. Jesenski uzgoj bio je povoljniji za vegetativne parametre rasta biljke, ali ne i za prinos i veličinu mahuna. Udio fenola i
antioksidacijska aktivnost kod graha mahunara bili su veći u jesenskom uzgoju kao i količine P, Mg, S, Fe i Mn.
Mineralna gnojidba ureom očekivano je rezultirala znatno većim vrijednostima većine vegetativnih pokazatelja, ali su opravdano veću antioksidacijsku aktivnost te više ukupnih fenola ostvarile varijante gnojene dugim ekstraktom dva puta tijekom vegetacije graha (DE2).
Uspoređujući međusobno vodene ekstrakte koprive, folijarna gnojidba KE pokazala se gotovo jednako učinkovitom na vegetativne pokazatelje graha mahunara kao i aplikacija DE putem tla. Organska gnojidba koprivom rezultirala je većom količinom željeza u herbi graha mahunara u odnosu na biljake gnojene s ureom.
Abstract (english) One of the main challenges in modern agricultural production is how to produce healthy food that meets the needs of a growing population without compromising natural resources. In addition to synthetically produced chemical fertilizers, organic fertilizers are increasingly being explored, in order to support the yield as well as nutritional values of agricultural crops. The most commonly used organic fertilizers are manure, dehydrated organic fertilizers and compost. Organic fertilizers are often combined with various botanical preparations (herbal aqueous extracts) from wild and/or medicinal plants that can stimulate plant growth and development, while strengthening plants' resistance to abiotic and biotic stress. The main disadvantages of these ecological and botanical preparations are variations in their chemical composition, lower and shorter period of efficiency . Depending on the crop species,various medicinal plant preparations are used as fertilizer (bio-fertilizer) and can also act against pathogens and pests (bio-pesticides). Nettle (Urtica dioica L.) is a wild grow and easily available medicinal species, which can also be grown as a cultivated species, making this plant as a great potential for the aquatic extract production. It has long been known that a short-term nettle extract is used as a bio-insecticide, while a long-term nettle extract has a fertilizer effect. There is a lack of scientific research analyzing the impacts of a short-term aqueous extract as bio-fertilizer.
The goal of this research was to analyse the effects of long and short aqueous nettle extracts on the chemical composition, vegetative parameters and yield component of green bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). The field experiment was established at two climatically and pedologically different locations in Croatia (Zadar and Poreč) during two growing seasons (spring and autumn). A short extract (KE) was prepared by extracting dry nettle (183g/10L of water) for 24 hour; a long extract (DE) was prepared in the same ratio with water, but for 14 days. Both extracts were diluted before application in a ratio of 1:3, KE was applied foliarly, and DE by soil watering. The experiment was set up according to a randomized block schedule (RCBD) in four replications. These treatments were performed on experimental plots in one, two or three treatments of green bean during the growing season, and compared with plots fertilized with urea nitrogen fertilizer (46% N) and control variants without fertilizer application.
The impact of fertilization treatments was variable with respect to location and growing date. All vegetative parameters and yield, then total phenols, antioxidant activity and the amount of minerals (P, K, S and Mn) in green bean were significantly higher at the location Poreč, as a result of the initial higher values of some soil fertility properties. Autumn cultivation was more favorable for the vegetative parameters of plant growth, but not for the yield and
size of pods. The phenol content and antioxidant activity in green bean were higher in autumn cultivation, the same as amounts of P, Mg, S, Fe and Mn.
As expected, urea mineral fertilization resulted in significantly higher values of most vegetative parameters, but justifiably higher antioxidant activity and more total phenols were achieved by variants fertilized with long extract twice during bean vegetation (DE2).
Comparing the aqueous extracts of nettle with each other, foliar fertilization of KE proved to be almost as effective on the vegetative parameters of green bean as the application of DE through the soil. Organic nettle fertilization resulted in a higher amount of Fe in the herb of green bean compared to plants fertilized with urea.
grah mahunar
biljna gnojiva
ekološka poljoprivreda
vodeni ekstrakt
Keywords (english)
green bean
plant fertilizers
organic farming
aqueous extract
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:204:306744
Promotion 2021
Study programme Title: Agricultural Sciences Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biotehničkih znanosti, polje poljoprivreda (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biotehničkih znanosti, polje poljoprivreda)
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Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access Embargo expiration date: 2022-03-29
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Repository Repository Faculty of Agriculture University of Zagreb
Created on 2021-09-29 11:22:41