@phdthesis{efzg:10440, author = {{Sučić Funko, Ivana}}, title = {{Corporate entrepreneurship in state owned enterprises, private companies and companies in mixed ownership in the Republic of Croatia}}, } @phdthesis{efzg:10365, author = {{Obradović Posinković, Tena}}, title = {{The role of open innovation and absorptive capacity in new product development performance in the Republic of Croatia}}, } @phdthesis{fsb:8289, author = {{Smojver, Vladimir}}, title = {{A model of innovation evolution in the development of technical systems}}, } @phdthesis{efzg:8356, author = {{Matešić, Hrvoje}}, title = {{UTJECAJ INTRINZIČNE MOTIVACIJE I VRSTE PODUZETNIKA-MENADŽERA NA FINANCIJSKU USPJEŠNOST PODUZEĆA}}, } @phdthesis{unipu:7512, author = {{Skurić, Nina}}, title = {{Uloga edukacije u razvoju socijalnog poduzetništva u republici hrvatskoj I njezin utjecaj na uspješnost menadžmenta socijalnih poduzeća}}, } @phdthesis{efzg:157, author = {{Kovač, Ivana}}, title = {{Međuovisnost dinamičkih sposobnosti i internacionalizacije poslovanja poduzeća}}, } @phdthesis{fsb:5901, author = {{Škec, Stanko}}, title = {{Nematerijalni indikatori u razvoju tehničkih sustava}}, } @phdthesis{efzg:41, author = {{Vlajčić, Davor}}, title = {{The role of expatriate managers in multinational companies reverse knowledge transfer}}, }